Build A Home Theater PC Or Should You?

By: Mike Singh

A home theater PC, or a media-center PC, is a home computer and A/V receiver combined for entertainment, similar to traditional home theater systems. Available are entertainment related upgrades that will make it into a home theater system, with progressive scan DVD playback, over the air HDTV support, and surround sound inputs with less fan noise. Also are the same computing functions, video abilities, and media storage.

If the home theater is already hooked up in the home, the addition of the right PC to it can add even more benefits to this investment. If not, then adding a PC to the home theater system will add benefits to an already existing set up. An example is that if we were an advanced gamer, we certainly will enjoy the gaming abilities that we have when it comes to the new addition.

Other advantages of the added home theater PC are enjoying the highly capable home theater's ability of providing excellent quality sound. With the addition of the PC, it can even act as a tuner for the music to provide an even better final result. If we were considering the addition of a TIVO or DVR style-recording device with the home theater system, then we will want to consider the use of the pc as well.

It can help you to record, view, and allow us to store needed files. There are many different products that are available when we have the ability to access the home theater project through the web.

When shopping, we can find that there are complete systems already in place for those who are looking for a well put-together system ready-to-go. Two options are available for interested consumers: add the upgrades to an already existing PC set-up, or buy a prebuilt one.

If the computer is five years or less, simply getting different mother board will work, but otherwise - get the prebuilt home theater PC system. The purchase of a pc for your home theater system does not have to be overly expensive. The prebuilt PC set-up will work better for quality and high results but cost a whole lot more, but the rebuilt one will cost lots less, so it depends on what the priorities are.

The top selling media-center PCs are Dell in the top three positions: top #1 position at $649 is the Dell Dimension? E510 (DE510SAP) PC Desktop with an Intel Pentium D 2.8 GHz, Microsoft Windows XP Media Center 2005 Edition, 512 MB, 80 GB hard drive, CD-RW/DVD-ROM. Second position is the Dell XPS? 410 (DXPS410F1) with third position being the Dell Dimension? E310 (DE310F#).

With medica center PCs merging entertainment and computing into one big machine, the question being asked online is whether the TV tuner or the radio receiver is the most important. What do you think?


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