The difference between plasma and LCD television is something that you should research thoroughly before coming to any final buying decisions. Outwardly, both are flat and thin although they use different technologies to deliver the same results. The market share once dominated by plasma televisions is gradually being eroded by the introduction of more larger display LCD TVs from various manufacturers.
The sizes of Plasma displays have always been, up until recently, way ahead of LCD due to the different technologies involved. The choices between display sizes were quite clear-cut with LCD television up to 32 inches and plasma for anything larger than that. However, LCD screens have recently started to come in at affordable prices in the 37-inch bracket. Already available are LCD displays in the 40 to 50 inch size range, which will gradually become more affordable to the average consumer.
This means that larger display television will very soon be placed in the hands of the public. Not only will we have to decide between different manufacturers for our new large display TV but also different technologies that ultimately give the same end result.
To make matters worse, manufacturers such as Panasonic have decided that plasma technology is the ideal solution for large display television and as such, have not produced LCD displays larger than 32 inches. Pioneer, meanwhile, is so passionate about plasma that they have not even announced plans to make any LCD TVs at all.
Amongst consumers, the general view appears to be that plasma is the technology of the past and LCD is the future of large display TV.
However, just because plasma display TV does not seem to be the in thing, you should not just ignore it out of hand. While LCD might have the edge in making high definition look dazzlingly bright and sharp, in many other equally important but less showy performance areas, plasma television can still show up its younger rival.
It is advisable that you, as the consumer, give both technologies a fair chance before buying one or the other, rather than just mindlessly buying LCD because that is what everybody else is doing. With the introduction of larger screens, a rivalry of technology has arisen between the two types of televsions.
Taking into account the size, price and other special features, the consumer will need to base their buying decision on what they really want or need and the price they are willing to pay.