Eczema (or dermatitis) is a chronic skin disorder that is usually characterized by itchy rashes (these rashes can be red, scaly, dry, and/or leathery.) It covers a variety of inflammations that take place on the most outer portion of the skin. It is also known as: atopic eczema, atopic dermatitis and infantile or baby eczema.
For the non-systemic or local causes of eczema such as contact dermatitis, you want to avoid having your skin come in contact with the offending item. Sometimes you may have to do a little detective work to figure out what is causing it. The most common contact dermatitis offenders include jewelry, perfumes, chemicals in cosmetics, shellac in mascara, lipstick, nickel (in jewelry-bras- eyeglasses, etc.), lotions, soaps, fabric softener sheets, pesticides from contact around the lips, mouth and chin, latex gloves, latex balloons, latex bandages, tomatoes, etc.
Once skin is exposed to one of these triggers, it releases chemicals that climb to the surface of the skin, which causes the patient to itch, sometimes profusely. The eczema creams on the market today are often used for both skin hydration and to reduce inflammation but virgin coconut oil is better and a cheap reliable home remedy.
The condition called Irritant Contact Eczema is caused by contact with a substance that one could be exposed to daily, such as soaps, chemicals, and detergents.
People who have eczema have skin that is very sensitive to many substances such as soap, wool, detergents, make-up, cosmetics, mascara, lipstick, nail polish, shampoos, etc.
My favorite and the best treatment I've found to heal eczema is organic virgin coconut oil. The coconut oil stops the itching and flaking too. I use coconut oil for everything including as a make-up remover and under my foundation and my skin is always soft, silky, smooth, and free of rashes, bumps, blemishes, blisters, etc. To apply the virgin coconut oil, apply it lightly on the affected area. It's important to keep the dermatitis area moist with the oil; you can apply a loose bandage to your skin, soaked with the oil if you'd rather, but the area should have adequate exposure to the air. Also you can expose the dermatitis area to direct sunlight for 20 minutes or so every day, if possible.
Depending on how severe the eczema is, it can be applied three or four times a day or more and at bedtime. You should make sure to get the organic virgin type of coconut oil that is not refined, bleached or deodorized. Whole foods market types carry organic virgin coconut oil in pint and quart jars. Or you can order it online in pints, quarts or gallon containers.
I add one big tablespoon of coconut oil to my smoothies, to help my skin from the inside out too, and have been doing so for many years; it's a plant fat not an animal fat. And it's a good medium chain fatty acid, not a bad long chain fatty acid.
For an attack of eczema to take place, two conditions need to be present: a predisposition or a special irritability of the skin, and a directly exciting cause. You'll want to make sure to eliminate any internal cause such as in non-contact allergies, rashes, and any known foods or nutritional deficiencies.
If you were to do nothing, eventually the immune system and body would take care of it, but coconut oil can speed up the process. Many people have reported using coconut oil as a treatment to cure or heal their eczema or even their baby's eczema. It just takes motivation, a willingness to try it, and diligent application of coconut oil daily as needed and at bedtime to see astonishing results.