Smoking Versus Heart Diseases

By: Kh Atiar Rahman

There exists an amazing extent of indication that a multiplicity of appalling diseases materialize frequently in smokers than non-smokers and these diseases are: Lung cancer; emphysema causing thinning and weakening of lung tissue; cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, gullet, bladder, and pancreas; coronary thrombosis causing snarl-up of arteries to the heart; angina pectoris causing pain due to contraction of arteries to the heart; and chronic bronchitis with phlegm. Moreover, Smoking materialize due to delay in healing of stomach ulcers; it trims down the senses of smell and taste; slows down reflexes which causes smokers more prone to accidents; and gives an distasteful smell from the breath, clothes, and homes of smokers. Very contemporary survey exemplifies that smoker's cause danger to the health of non-smokers. Pregnant women smokers tend to have smaller babies than non-smokers, and their babies are more to be expected to be born dead or die a few days after birth. Besides such tremendously adverse affects, the children of smoking parents have more lung infections in the first years of life than the children of non-smokers.
During one hour in a smoky room, a non-smoker can gasp as much cancer-causing substances as some one smoking 15 filter-tip cigarettes. Infirmity consistent to smoking is very expensive. In U.K., France, Germany, China and USA, it results in the loss of about 60 millions working days a year, treatment costs several hundreds thousands dollar a day, and it causes the death of over a million people a week. However, those who give up smoking greatly trim down their chances of developing diseases. Hence it is obvious that smoking has been halfhearted every times and as such, even in general advertisement to sell their product, the work of publication of product's brand name and packaging system to point toward the quality of the product has been proscribed.

A heart is the crucial point of human beings and as such, due to cause of blood transmission problems, lots of heart diseases come about. Blood circulation system takes place from the heart and arteries and veins are the carriers of it where as veins carry pure blood and entire circulation system remains in the state of continuous flow of balanced form of humans' survival as a tentative flow.
Hypertensive heart disease:
It means high pressure. It is the most common disease affecting the heart and blood vessel. When pressure remains high, the heart uses more energy in pumping. Due to the increased effort, the heart muscle thickens and the heart becomes enlarged. It needs more oxygen; untreated high blood pressure can lead to decreased diameter of the arteries and arterioles causing atherosclerosis, strokes, heart attacks and kidney failure.
Heart Attack:
The most common heart problems result from faulty coronary circulation. A heart attack as well as cardiac infection is the death of an area of cardiac tissue because of an interrupted blood supply. This may result from a plaque in the arterial wall. The severity of the attack bedded on how much of the heart tissue is damaged. The heart will lose some of the strength after an attack.
It is a malignant disease; it occurs due to uncontrolled production of immature white blood cells. Cells which lack the genetic ability to reach immaturity anemia and bleeding are commonly seen due to the crowding out of normal bone narrow cells, over production of immature cells, preventing normal production of red blood cells and platelets. In order to protect from leukemia, we should take the following measures:
To take blood under the prescribed prescription of the physicians relevant to the heart diseases
To check heart complicacies, regular physical exercise is virtually important.
The patient of heart casualties should take regular physical exercise.
He should take cholesterol free as well hydrolysis type of foods like fats and oils free foods
It is a process in which fatty things, particularly cholesterol and triglycerides are deposited in the walls of medium sized and large sized arteries. Smooth muscle cells of the arteries accumulate more of the cholesterol, and a plaque can be formed in the blood vessel. This can block the artery and present the blood flow. If this clot becomes dislodged, it can travel to other areas of the body and block the normal flow of the blood. We can prevent this by prohibiting fats and oil type of foods. We can also undertake physical exercise.


The most common brain disorder is stroke. The common cause s of stroke is as follows:

Blood clots
Ruptured brain arteries. If such brain disorder takes place, very few people survive.

For Prevention of such state physical disorder, the following precautions need to be adopted virtually:

To lead a tension free life
To undertake regular physical exercise
A balanced food is virtually inevitable.

Coronary Thrombosis:

The build up athermancy makes blood vessel narrower and cuts down the flow of blood. This increases the brisk of blood clots forming. A clot can block a blood vessel and for such hyper critical state of mental affairs, a thrombus is formed and ultimately it tends to heart blockage which emanates severe consequences of death. Suffice it say, such heart blockage is quite responsible for a quarter of deaths around the world. More people in the world's developed countries' die each year and even if the affected part of the heart is damaged and sometimes a heart attack is so severe that the heart stops beating altogether, due to such sort of complication known as cardiac arrest, the humans can die unless the heart starts beating within a moment.

In view of the above, it is evident that Smoking is tremendously harmful for creating health hazards which has tremendous adverse affects upon overall mental affairs of the humans' physical state. A man who enjoys sound sleep as well as sound body is really a healthy man. For healthy and tension free life, we need to abandon smoking adversely affecting upon physical and mental virtual health in a systematic manner. A heart is the focal point of human beings and as such, due to cause of blood transmission problems, lots of heart diseases fall out. Blood circulation system takes place from the heart and arteries and veins are the carriers of it where as veins carry pure blood and entire circulation system remains in the state of continuous flow of balanced form of humans' endurance ideally.

Heart Conditions

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