Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death among all the major diseases. In the United States 36 percent of the people who die do so because of some form of heart or cardiovascular disease. This number is simply staggering and points to the importance of controlling and preventing the suffering that this disease brings. The good news is that the majority of people can successfully prevent or reverse the effects of this deadly disease with some rather simple lifestyle changes.
The first change that anyone with heart disease must make is dietary. Today's fast food and processed meal in a box are some of the worst choices anyone can make when it comes to the health of their cardiovascular system. By avoiding saturated and trans-fat that are found in fried foods and some red meats we can significantly reduce the risk posed by coronary heart disease. Both these types of fat cause LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) to increase in the blood stream. This can lead to a build up of plaque which hardens and narrows the arteries leading to a heart attack or stroke.
A diet high in fiber and low in fat is the way to go in preventing heart disease. Fruits, vegetables, low fat products, and whole grains cannot only prevent heart disease it can also reverse the effects of this dangerous condition.
The second lifestyle change that needs to be made to fight the effects of coronary artery disease is exercise. It doesn't have to be a drastic undertaking. It can be something as simple as taking a walk everyday or using the stairs instead of the elevator. The point is to gradually build up your cardiovascular strength and add to it as you get stronger.
If you smoke then you need to quit. There is nothing that increases the risk of coronary heart disease quite like smoking. Every year more than 135, 000 people in the United States die from heart disease that is caused or exacerbated by the use of tobacco. The risk of death from this disease increases two to three times with the continued use of cigarettes.
There are also certain medical treatments and procedures that are effective in the fight against coronary heart disease. There are a number of medications that help reduce blood pressure or lower levels of LDL cholesterol, but like any drug there are also side affects to using them. Surgery is also an option when the disease has reached the life threatening stage but for most people living a healthy lifestyle will prevent them from ever having to see an operating room.
Avoiding the type of lifestyle that leads to coronary heart disease can help millions of people live long and healthy lives without the fear that they may fall victim to this deadly disease.