One of the worst things in life is not being able to enjoy the things you love. If you suffer from heartburn or its more serious form acid reflux disease then you understand what it is like. You also know what it is like to have to take pills, before, during, perhaps even after meals to prevent symptoms. As soon as you stop taking those pills, the symptoms come back. There are however, other solutions, natural remedies and things you can do to prevent, or relieve symptoms quickly and without having to take medication.
What is Acid reflux disease and heartburn?
What causes heartburn are usually factors such as stress, over eating, eating certain foods or a combination along with smoking, caffeine, citrus fruits and drinks, tomato products, fatty or spicy foods. Heartburn symptoms are a mild or intense burning in the chest along with a sour or bitter taste in the mouth and throat. Acid reflux disease is a continuation of this involving the contents of the stomach reaching the throat and not completely returning to the stomach. These actions can cause the erosion of the lining in the throat.
Sounds just about as bad as it feels, luckily there are some ways you can help prevent and relieve your heartburn and acid reflux symptoms. There are quite a number of them out there so experimenting with each until you find the one that works best for you might be necessary.
Here are some of the natural remedies to relieve heartburn symptoms, raw almonds it is important to make sure these are no salt added and they are not roasted, 4-5 of them should relieve your symptoms.
Aloe Vera juice made from the aloe Vera plant has very soothing properties. It works well as a treatment for heartburn.
If you are allergic to nuts, or do not find Aloe Vera works for you try eating acid neutralizing foods with your meal or right after as natural remedies for heartburn. These foods are apples, carrots, and potatoes. The important thing with these is to eat them raw.
Other options include eating an acid reflux diet, which is devoid of foods, which might cause acid reflux symptoms. Other natural cures for acid reflux include either vinegar distilled white or apple cider. Apple cider probably has the better taste. It does burn going down and if you have other stomach problems this may not be right for you. You can also try milk; this works well for infant acid reflux or brown sugar.
To prevent heartburn and acid reflux before it even starts, make sure to avoid large amounts of foods that you know create the symptoms for you. You do not have to eliminate them, simply reduce the amount you intake.
It is easy to prevent and relieve heartburn and acid reflux symptoms naturally.