Heart Disease Facts

By: Verlyn Ross

The purpose of this article is to present heart disease facts that might help the reader in preventing heart disease in their life and in the lives of their loved ones.

Heart disease is a problem that affects a very significant number of people in industrialized countries. You can only prevent a case of heart disease from developing if you are informed about the illness, so in this article, we will be discussing some basic heart disease facts so that you will be better suited when it comes to understanding the problem that is known as heart disease.

Although many people realize that heart disease is a significant problem, few realize exactly how many people are afflicted with a heart disease related illness. As many as 1 out of 4 American citizens are victim to some form of heart disease, clearly exemplifying the threat that it presents.

Approximately one million Americans die each and every year as a result of a case of cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular disease includes heart disease or strokes; together, these two types of illnesses account for the number one cause of death in industrialized nations for both men and women.

Approximately forty two percent of all deaths are caused by cardiovascular disease.

Studies have shown that those who smoke cigarettes are twice as likely to have a heart attack than those who refrain from smoking. Low levels of physical activity are also associated with a high occurrence of heart attacks, with those who remain relatively stationary having a risk of developing a heart attack that is double that of those with an active lifestyle.

While doctors are often able to see accumulations of plaque present in the arteries surrounding the heart, it can be tough for them to gauge the risk of heart attack, as they often take the patient by surprise with little to no warning.

Since lifestyle choices have so much to do with ones chances of developing cardiovascular disease, it can be a shock to hear that as much as fifty percent of the American population do not participate in sufficient levels of physical activity.

Diet can have a lot to do with the development of cardiovascular disease, as well. Some studies have shown that those who maintain a vegetarian diet have a chance of developing cardiovascular disease that is twenty four percent less likely than those who eat meat

One good way of ensuring that you are maintaining your health when it comes to preventing heart disease is to measure your cholesterol. Proper cholesterol levels should be worked towards. Cholesterol levels that are above 200 mg/dl for total blood cholesterol, with LDL levels that are above 130 mg/dl or HDL levels that are below 35 mg/dl, as well as lipoprotein levels that are higher than 30 mg/dl represent a risk that needs to be addressed.

Now that you know much more about the ways to prevent cardiovascular disease and just how common the problem is, you will be better suited for diagnosing the problem and dealing with it. If you think that you are at risk for cardiovascular disease or any other form of heart disease, you should speak to a doctor in order to ensure that there is no problem present. Prevention is the key to surviving heart disease, so be sure to stay active and healthy!

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