I had no doubts that my desire WILL come true, and I started working towards my sincere objective. A friend who noticed my work towards that objective asked me: “Why are you so obsessed with money? It’s not the most important thing in our lives" etc. etc. etc.
WOW... my mind paused for a moment and started thinking. If you get the same kind of moral disturbing objections, look at what my mind came up with that will help you stand still in front of those objections...
In most societies, we are raised to believe in the myth that “it’s spiritual to be poor". Or we use such phrases as “filthy rich", or “Money is the root of all evil". Our TV and movies present the big businesses as the “bad guys", and programs our minds to believe that being rich is “bad".
So when I was asked that disturbing question: “Why are you obsessed with money?" I asked myself: “What am I really obsessed about? What are we all obsessed about?" So I remembered...
I remembered I was working for this Hi-Tech company, ten to twelve hours a day. Even though the pay was good, it has exhausted me mentally and physically. I remembered that my cause was to have real control over my own time, to spend it with my beloved ones, on the things that really matters, instead of working hard all of my life.
I remembered that I love sports cars (just to mention it my eyes are glowing right now!) and I wanted to have that car that I adore (Oh yes, it’s the 911 Porsche!). I remembered that I wanted to travel the world, and simply have fun...
I understood that my goal was NOT to get stuck in the rat race, working hard all of my life, and living the illusion of having what some people call a "normal" life. I know some might say: “Well, that’s how life is". No, I resent that, you live the life that YOU desire to have, I know it’s easier just to “follow the crowd", but eventually, it is YOUR life, and you should reach an internal peace, rather than wondering how the outside world will look at you.
So I remembered that it wasn’t simply just “making money", those invaluable causes were driving me to become wealthy, this is why I started investing and educating myself, I bought so many books, whether about wealth or how to get rich books, stock market, real estate, and self help books. That’s why I bought so many tapes and home courses. That’s why I started looking for a real online business opportunity, which was my first step towards financial freedom. That’s why I am a member in an association of home business entrepreneurs.
Of course, these all cost (small) money. So what?! People are spending lots of money on their cable TV, on their trips, and you name it... Well, I rather spend it on my dreams, and my best investment is in educating myself. Those books that I bought have opened my eyes, showed me that there's another way, an easier way, and I received invaluable insights that turned my life around.
So people say money is not the most important thing in their lives, the irony is, they are willing to work hard most of their lives for... MONEY! Where YOU and I (if you are reading so far then I know you share my feelings!) are not willing to work so hard for it. We want to make enough money, so we would NOT have to work for money all of our lives.
Keep those greater causes in your mind. Those genuine causes will drive you towards your sincere goals in front of those objections. And yes
, it is OK to have a dream; life is not worth living without one.