PersistenceBut With the Right Attitude!

By: Liah Kraft-kristaine, J.d.

Mostpeople give up just when they’re about to achieve success, theygive up at the last minute of the game, one foot from a winningtouchdown."

--J. Ross Perot, multi-millionaire businessman

Persistenceand perseverance. Those words imply ACTION. Those words are two ofthe most important for your success.

Definingyour dream comes first, then breaking it down into monthly, weeklyand daily goals comes next. Then, step by step, day by day, take someform of right action to make those dreams happen.

Howdo you get yourself to be persevering hour after hour? By preparingyour mind and emotions prior to taking the action. You prepareyourself by giving yourself “self-conditioning" statements suchas:

“It’seasy for me now to make and follow my plan of action."

“Ifeel confident in my ability to learn what I need and followthrough."

“It’seasy for me to get and stay organized."

Withthose statements, you are giving your sub-conscious brain a directiveof how you want to be and act, and very soon, you’ll find it easierto act in accordance with those statements.

Ioften find in my coaching clients a propensity to beat themselves upbecause they’re not doing enough, not being organized enough, notbeing courageous enough.

Stopthe self-criticism. It destroys the will to take action; it does notencourage you to do more and to be more.

Usethat energy for re-shaping your mind and emotions prior to takingaction. Pre-condition yourself. Get yourself ready to do what youknow you need to do by giving yourself a mental picture of yourselfdoing what you want to do, and doing it with energy -- beautifully,efficiently, and successfully. A little bit of self pre-programminggoes a long, long way toward creating your success!

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