Having A Life Purpose

By: Danny Welsh

Get this straight in your head: The only thing (except for God and chance) that is going to make any difference at all in your life... is...

What You Do!

So, what are you going to do with those 8,760 hours you've got to work with in the next year?

Well, it’s not going to blow your pants down if I remind you that what you do with a lot of those hours will be outside your immediate power. For instance, you've almost got to spend approximately 2,920 of those hours sleeping. True, you could sleep less than 8 hours a day... but... that will likely be counter-productive to you. The most recent research indicates the vast majority of Americans need MORE than eight hours of sleep per day... and yet... most of us get less.

Which, of course, makes us a nation of people who are sleep deprived... and... sleep deprived people suffer from fuzzy logic, poor critical thinking skills, make bad decisions, and are more at risk for all types of bad luck and health problems.

Whatever you do, don't try to become more productive by getting less sleep. That tactic will backfire on you. UNLESS you have a clear idea in your mind that you are one of those rare, rare individuals who is wired differently to require less sleep and even thrive on less— and make sure it’s not just your opinion but something you often hear from other people who have observed you— unless that’s the case, sleep 8 hours, ok?

By the way, did you know that domestic housecats sleep an average of 16 hours per day and lions in the wild sleep an average of 20!? Be honest, and think about this. Search your memory for the animal in your estimation that is always happiest. That just seems to have an inner reserve of contentment that just oozes out of it. That literally purrs with pleased satisfaction (whenever awake). I think the happiest mammals on earth are domestic housecats.

But then again, I’m thinking it may be lions. But what do I know about lions, I’ve never met one.

Note to self: sign up for safari this year.

Tick, tock. OK, I don’t want to give you the thought that I’m wasting your time, which is growing more valuable to you by the minute, right?

I love sleep, don’t you? So sleep more. Just remember to get your 8 hours and remember above all that whether you are the lion or the gazelle, if you want to survive when the sun comes up- you better be running!

So, moving on...after chopping off the time we need to spend sleeping, we're down to 5,840 hours to work with in the coming year.

Assuming you’re playing with a full deck upstairs and you’re not yet rich or retired— you want to make some money in the next year, right? That means you've got to spend a significant amount of time earning enough

just for the needs of yourself and your family.

Not to mention ‘getting ahead’.

To do this, let's say you work the proverbial 40 hours per week. You know, that old grind your 9 to 5. Also, you've got to get ready for work, get to work and get home from work. Some of you have a long commute, some are lucky enough to work at home... but... I'm going to decide how much to put to this arbitrarily, randomly, and some may even get out the Webster’s and smack me with “capriciously", but, hey, it’s my show!

Let’s say we need to add an average of 10 hours per week to get ready, and get to and from work. Yes, that is a random number. But this isn’t science class, folks!

Since you may be miffed, here’s a bone for you. Let's give you a two week yearly vacation... which means... you are going to use up 2,500 of your hours (50 hours per week times 50 weeks per year) on work-related activities.

We are now down to 3,340 hours we've got left in the coming year.

Tick, tock. Tell me if you are happy right now with all of your choices on how you spend your time?

Ah, but we ain't at the end of our subtractions yet. No, Sir. But rather than beat the dead horse and continue to pound the nail and belabor the point… let's make one more big deduction for what I’ll call “Necessities of Life." This might include getting your car repaired, playing with your kids, giving time and encouragement to your spouse and friends, spending time with family, dealing with the mail, shopping for groceries, , shaving, taking some "down time" to let yourself recharge… and so on.

The time necessary to take care of the “Necessities of Life" will, invariably, differ from person A to person B... but... I honestly can't even imagine these very basic day-to-day activities taking anyone (who actually has a life, anyway ;) ) less than at MINIMUM 3 to 4 hours per day…

Where does that leave us? This means that we're going to have to burn up at LEAST another 2,000 hours from the pile of time we’ve got stacked up for the coming year.

Now, I’m gonna take a break from all this arithmetic. Even with these “simple numbers"…you've got the idea by now, right? You can see now your time slipping away, can you not?

I wonder if you can, friend, follow me as we inch a bit closer to the truth: Contrary to what I said earlier, you really do not have the full 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, totaling 8,760 hours to decide what to do with in the coming year.

In truth, with such a high percentage of your hours already reserved, you probably don't even have 1,000 “discretionary" hours to decide what to do with in the next year. That’s a bit of a humbling thought, but I doubt you’re prepared to challenge me on it. Most people literally cannot envision and implement a lifestyle that has more.

That gives you something like 2 hours and 42 minutes per day with which you have to work to change your life for the better.

And, I feel certain, most of you have lives so keyed-up, hectic, and jam-packed with activities that... truthfully... you only have a fraction of even that small amount of “free" time each day. And, I hate to do it but I bet whatever amount of discretionary time you do have, if you’re like most people…. you use almost none of it to seriously advance the quality of your life.

But you’re NOT like most people, are you? No, you’re here trying to improve your performance and results in every area of your life…and you recognize that “free" time is NOT “free".

But for most people, they simply must use their discretionary time more intelligently than many of the activities that are popular to spend your “free" time doing— activities that add NOTHING of value to a life. And, if these people care... if they truly care... about improving their lifestyle and achieving their goals...

This Has Got To Stop!

Life Fear and Attitude

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