Life gives us hope.

By: Marielouisefalk

There is always hope for us. Life was made to protect and to guide us in the right directions. We just have to believe that.

What is life? Who set the standards or the rules for life?

What if we most of the time are responsible for our own life? Maybe even for all the times. We can think life as a map for our DNA, genes, blood vessels etc. Our minds have strong energy. Even sometimes it is too strong for us to use.

It’s hard to stay focused all the time but the more we try the stronger mentally we will become. So let’s play with the thought that you are in charge of your life. Put up a plan for it and make a massive action of it. Life is energy so to just write down a plan with no action does not work. It is like when you are sick or injured. Years ago doctors always recommended us to stay in bed for rest. Now a day they say recover with action. Move your body to loosen up the stagnation.

This works very well with the mind. Think about a time in your life when you were injured or mentally hurt. How did you feel? A live or more a sleep like you was dead? As soon as you start to move the energy flows. The blood system movesFree Web Content, the immune system get pushed; the heart beats and the lungs are getting more oxygen. The oxygen blood cells flows up to the brain to energize it. You will get more energy and the more you move and do the more energy you will have. It is like a cycle.

Now when you know the power of life why not does anything big about it? Don’t go second best go full on. Because you are worth it. Some of us tend to sit and daydream all day long.?

It is good to daydream but keep in mind to move. Let the dreams in to action. Invite friends for dreaming and writing goals a day or a night. Get some drawing pens and paper. Lots of colours and big paper arc’s. Let the imagination flow.

Why not have competitions? Who makes the largest dream board? It helps the mind drift far away. Put some dates to it as well. When is it supposed to happen? Where is it place to be?

Make group commitments to them. That makes it even stronger. It makes the bonds stronger as a group and the goal feels more important to you. Frame the picture with the text and put it up on the wall. Be sure to look at them everyday as a reminder of where you are going. Finally you get there and life will never be the same! You can also make a copy of it and make it smaller. Keep the picture in your valet or as a book mark. In that way you will be reminded more then one time a day. It will stick to you and come real. Remember everything you dream of you can achieve.

Life Fear and Attitude

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