Sometimes getting up is a real chore isn't it. You know you have to go to the bathroom, have a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and go to work. So you turn off the alarm, sigh, look at the ceiling. Sigh again.
You'd rather stay in bed, wouldn't you, than face the same old same old. It's nice and cosy and warm and you're comfortable. You don't have to do anything except lie there. So you snooze. And the alarm goes off again. And eventually you climb out of bed and just get on with it.
Yawn. Tedious isn't it.
Imagine for a second that every day, you woke up and felt your heart beat faster just for the pleasure of knowing what was in front of you that day. You might spring out of bed, eager to get going. Or you might spend a few minutes more snuggled up - it is so comfortable and warm isn't it! - but rather than having another snooze you'd smile and feel the thrill of elation reaching right down to the ends of your fingers and toes.
That's what it feels like to look forward to everything the new day brings.
When you have a vision in life, it means being driven by a love or a passion to pursue a goal, and to spend each and every day following the path that leads you to it.
It means being empowered by energy and inspiration to use your potential to its fullest extent, to go out there in the world and be the best you can be at the whatever it is your heart and soul desires above all else.
Look out of the window for a moment, wherever you are, whether you’re at home, at work, in an internet café, or in front of a laptop in an airport lounge.
Just take a look.
What do you see?
If the glass is clear and clean, you can see as far as the next building. Maybe you can see the horizon, right? If the window is dirty or all steamed up, it fuzzes up your vision - the horizon is not quite so sharp and clear and you can't see much. And if the curtains or blinds are drawn, well you can't see a darn thing.
What is your vision? What is it that you can't see clearly, if at all, because there's too much junk, grime, life, interference to see it for what it truly is? What's getting in the way of your bright, shining vision?
Remember to keep that vision in your heart.
And keep your outlook sparkling and bright.