There are occasions when we all put off making a decision for one reason
or another. We must accept that where we are and who we are today is
the direct result of all of our previous decisions or lack of decision
making. Accepting that you are responsible is not always pleasant but
it is reality. It becomes easier to be a person who is satisfied with
who you are which leads to self-confidence and self-respect. This frees
your mind to be more creative, enjoy your days more, experience more
positive relationships, and be able to share more with others. Your
eyes will be open to more opportunities. You will be more open to
accepting unexpected turns of events in your life. You will have more
energy and enthusiasm. Your perspective on life will be ever changing
within and outside your primary focus areas - take advantage of these
chances to expand your mind.
I listened to a speech years ago which used the acronym of BRIDGE to
describe a broader way of living your life.
I hope it reminds you of
the importance of living today so your memories of yesterday are good
and your hopes for tomorrow's are ones that have a positive outlook.
Release old concepts that someone else will or must determine your
Breakaway from the past and old expectations.
Start taking complete responsibility for your actions and destiny.
Change keeps us excited about life because of the challenges involved.
While there can be fear in taking risks, there is also joy and
satisfaction to be gained.
Putting yourself on the line gives you courage and respect for your
Use it to be creative with today's tasks and future goals.
Consider your natural talents and skills to make decisions based on what
you want for yourself.
You can make the future just about anything you want it to be by today's
If you want something strongly enough, you will find a way to make it
Belief in yourself, ask for help, networking, and setting goals are
methods to use.
Make a "story board" with pictures or sayings to remind yourself of what
you're aiming for.
Repetition causes boredom which leads to fatigue which inhibits growth
and enthusiasm.
If we don't move forward, we don't get anywhere new.
We can't learn anything from experiences we aren't having.
Doesn't the day seem to go by easier when you have a positive outlook?
Achieving what you want in your life is more obtainable with these
attributes and attitudes.
As bad as any single day might seem, find something to be grateful for
in it.
If nothing else, you're still alive to try again tomorrow.
Using the BRIDGE system
, your self-confidence and self-esteem will
naturally increase.
Others will want to know your "secret".
Success will be more likely to become a major force in your life.