Golden Rules for Mastering Spanish

By: Wain Roy

Pursuing foreign language courses online often invites lack of motivation on part of the learner. In such situations, even the beautiful language Spanish fails to inspire him/her to move ahead with the lessons. To combat this boredom, one has to find out ways to stay motivated and speed up the learning process. One way to initiate the process is befriending a Spanish native, if possible. This would ensure better practice and quicker progress on the learner's part.

Another key factor to be remembered while learning Spanish online is to practice speaking and not just listen to the directions. Speak while you listen and never feel embarrassed to make mistakes. A lot many people are afraid of making mistakes while learning Spanish online. What they fail to realize is making mistakes is part of the learning process. In fact they should understand that their mistakes are an indication of their effort to grasp the language. The more mistakes they make, the quicker they will learn. Hence the effort should be oriented towards listening and speaking at the same time.

Another mistake on the learner's part is identifying Spanish with the English language. Prior to initiating your tutorials, it is very essential to understand that both the languages have separate grammatical rules, which cannot be applied to its Spanish counterpart. Understanding Spanish grammar also forms an important aspect of effective Spanish learning. Besides, mastering the fundamentals of the language is essential to get a hold on the language. Fundamentals here refer to the basic grammar and basic vocabulary of Spanish. Contrarily, many people waste their time learning a bunch of Spanish vocabulary- even the obsolete terms, much to their ignorance!

A common excuse that most of us come up with is lack of time. Learning Spanish doesn't actually require you to sit down and study. Rather you can turn on your mp3 player or the ipod and listen to an audio Spanish lesson while driving or waiting in a queue for your bus.

A big misconception amongst most learners is underestimating the importance of Spanish pronunciation. While learning Spanish, try to pronounce every syllable as the Spanish natives do. In case you do not make an effort, you will end up speaking Spanish like an Englishman with the result of being incomprehensible to your Spanish speaking people. Consider the case when a foreigner comes and asks you for directions either on the road, or in a shopping mall. Most often, you find it hard to understand that they are actually conversing in English! Even mimicking the accent is not a bad option.

The above-mentioned tips to learn Spanish online will certainly be of great help to grasp the language within a much shorter period of time. Spanish tutorials are available not only on the Internet but also offered by a number of well established educational institutions and universities. In fact, most tropical countries do have Spanish schools, thus contributing to the growth of this language across the globe. For instance, a Venezuela Spanish school is one of the commonest sights in the tropical nation, Venezuela. However, since it's not possible for the greater multitude to actually attend classes in person either on account of their telling jobs or some other obligations, learning Spanish online is the best solution. But remember, your personal effort and not just the lesson will bear fruit!


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