On the 5 of November the "Course for Italian-Language Teachers" will starts at
Leonardo da Vinci School in Florence.
The main purpose of this course is to support you as Italian-language-teacher by bringing
your theoretical knowledge and teaching methods up to date.
The training course focuses on current facts so as to refresh to all the partecipans their
socio-economic and political knowledge of Italy.
This course is specifically designed for Italian-language teachers who are italian native speakers and for those who are not.
The course is divided into three parts and an apprenticeship training:
- The pedagogy of Italian as a foreign language:
theoretical and practical foundations.
- Course of diction and orthophonetics of Italian.
Phonetical and phonological competence.
- Body workshop.
- ApprenticeshipDuring the course each participant
will decide to observe or take part in Italian language classes
taught at all levels from beginning to advanced.
This training course is intended for:
- those who want to start working as teachers of Italian
as a Foreign Language in Italy and abroad;
- Italian and foreign teachers who want to
improve their own knowledge;
- Italian and foreign teachers who want to prepare and to pass the DITALS;
- foreign teachers who have requested funding assigned by the Socrates / Comenius 2
and Grundtvig III Program;
- Primary, Middle and High School teachers who are interested in acquiring
pedagogical instruments for use in State schools
This course is accredited by the University of Sienna for Foreigners for the
(certification of Italian language instruction for non Italian speaking students) and is one
of the projects carried out by
for Education in the European Community.
The Leonardo da Vinci School is synonymous with quality and reliability,
it has more than thirty years of experience as well as being officially recognized by
The Italian Ministry of Education.
Moreover starting from January 2008 the school will offer
the course of preparation for DITALS in the school of Rome and Florence.
We suggest you to visit our web site in order to have all the information
for this course.
A good teacher is alwats updated!!!
For more information on dates and prices and so on
You can visit the site of the school Leonardo da Vinci
') \/>http://www.scuolaleonardo.com/...language-special-courses/intensive-course-for-italian-teachers.html