In recent years, the sudden popularity of shopping online for goods and services has provided small, medium size businesses and large corporations with an opportunity to have a worldwide online presence and to reach more than 190 different nations in an instant. In 2006, American exports to other countries were on the rise by 15% from 2005 representing transactions of more than $1.5 billion.
Many countries speak another language than English. Translating your documents in all the languages of the world would be great but an impossible task. If you have the choice of translating your site, brochures in one language then it must be done in French.
Here are the top 10 reasons why you need to have it done:
France is recognized around the globe for its stunning art pieces, multitude of fine wine, delicious food, amazing fashion style and unique perfume making French, the second language after English used in cyber space.
In 2003, American firms with offices in France employed more 240,000 people totaling 25% of all the new jobs created in that country. France also has more than 2800 organizations working in the US and employing more than 700,000 individuals.
French is the native or secondary language of more than 54 countries across the 5 continents. This will give your business the ability to reach 300 million new consumers.
Canada is one of the countries that speak French with at least 7 million people considering it their native dialect. Canada by sharing its borders with the US makes it easy to transport products and has become a great place to export goods and services. In 2006, the export to this country was on the rise by more than $19 billion. The Canadian government requires that all the sites, documents, brochures and guides are written in French
The U.N and many international companies have made French their official language. French is used not only in diplomacy but in the business world as well. If you do not have everything concerning your business translated into French, you are missing out on many opportunities.
In the Asian countries, many of them such as Vietnam, Thailand and Laos require that their decision makers, diplomats, managers, scientific personnel speak French. The young Japanese population considers France the place to go to be trained in fashion design, architecture and tourism. In Korea, French not Japanese is the language of choice. In China and Hong Kong, political and business leaders also speak French. In India, tourism classes and Hotel management courses are offered mostly in French.
The African continent is multilingual due in part to the British, French and Portuguese influence. However, French is spoken there by more than 115 million across 31 countries.
In the Caribbean Sea, 3 islands are overseas French territories with a population of 1million.
In the Indian Ocean, French is the official language of French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Madagascar, and les Seychelles.
In Europe, many countries such as Switzerland, Belgium, Luxemburg, Monaco have French as a native or second mandatory language.
Right now, from any computer terminal, companies of all sizes can sell or buy goods with 190 different nations and almost a third of them have French as a required language. Translating all your publications into French will bring to your business more customers and will give your company an international flare.