Man Shortage, Again?

By: Regena English

In the last two weeks I've read articles crying the age old desperate woman battle cry, "there are no marriageable men". This has to be the most ridiculous assumption women has ever bought lock, stock, and barrel.

There's no shortage of men, just ask those women who are happy single. The more desperate and needy a woman is the more she'll act as a repellent to what she thinks she want, a marriage seeking man. I've read how education could be a barrier for men interested in matrimony (undereducation of either the man or woman limits potential mates), somewhere I've seen birth rates of male children as another possible reason. Not once had anyone ask the question to all these women who claim there's a shortage of men could they be the obstacle to marriage and not the male population?

"It's funny how women who are happily single have no shortage of men in their lives and marriage desperate women complain of a man shortage." Joie

Somewhere in all this disparity over finding husbands women continue to fight illusions (negative illusions might I add) over being single, especially if they're past the age of 35.

"I can't be happy without a man." They could learn a thing or two from their peers who are secure in themselves and have a healthy attitude in regards to being single. These secure women recognizes how marriage could add new dimensions to their lives but they don't rely on it as a "be all end all" for happiness. It's these women who are quick to tell others there are no shortages of men wanting marriage, no just a shortage of women willing to allow themselves happiness not based on marital status.

"I personally don't buy the eligible man shortage baloney. Being unhappy and desperate for love is a barrier to marriage not some man shortage." Denise

"The man shortage is created by women by being unhappy as they currently are. Women need to understand they must be happy to attract happy. What man want the burden of spending their lives trying to make some unhappy woman happy, he would have to be crazy to sign up for that job." Leiza

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