Did you know that pizza is not only a dish, but also a representation of a rich European culture? Well, indeed it is. It's served baked with a variety of toppings depending on your taste. Though round is the common shape, other shapes are also available of this delicious dish. The white base of this dish is known as a pizza crust, it's made of bread and also available in different types depending on its preparation. For instance, the crust can be stuffed with cheese, seasoned with butter, herbs, garlic e.t.c. Ingredients used in making this base are dry yeast which is in fact the primary ingredient, salt, sugar, flour and vegetable oil. Pizza crust recipe is as follows; Firstly, sprinkle yeast in warm water, stir until it's dissolved and the water is creamy. Add about 2 cups of flour, salt and sugar. Beat it completely and stir any remaining flour. Knead until it's smooth and elastic, while at the same time adding flour to prevent the dough from sticking. Leave it in a light floured board for about 10 minutes. Continue kneading it long enough so as to remove the air in it. The next step is to place it in a greased bowl, turn it over a greased top and leave the dough for about 30 minutes or until it's doubled. Next, cover the dough and let rise in warm water. After this, punch it down and knead to remove the remaining air. Finally, divide it into two equal parts, roll each half and stretch over an oiled pan, add your preferred toppings and you are good to start baking.