Restaurants - The Famed Manor

If you've ever visited the garden state of New Jersey and didn't think there was an absolutely amazing place to eat, then you obviously didn't hear about the one and only Manor in West Orange. This institution is more than just a dining experience. It is truly the eighth great wonder of the world. If you think that may be a bit of an exaggeration then you haven't eaten there or even seen the place.

So let's start with the building itself. First of all, to get there you have to go up this long and winding road. It's the kind you're used to see stretch limos drive up in the movies. Finally at the top of the road is the manor itself, a building that looks like a castle. I did you not. There is very little historical information on the Manor itself so there is no way to tell how old the building is, but by the looks of it, it's safe to assume that it has to be a couple hundred years old.

Don't think about parking the car on your own. They have valets to do that for you. Just be prepared to give them a nice tip when you leave. Oh and in case you're wondering, the manor isn't for those on a budget. Dinner for two can easily run you a couple hundred bucks and that's a cheap meal there.

Once inside, the decor is just simply breathtaking. It's like being inside a museum of art. Just to take a tour through the manor itself would be worth the price of admission. Fortunately, they don't charge you for visiting, just eating.

Dinner at the Manor is by reservation only. You can't just walk in and ask for a table. That sort of thing doesn't exist. Also, you better plan your meal several weeks in advance as they are pretty much booked all the time.

The food itself is perfection. But if you really want to get your money's worth out of the Manor, then the only way to go is with the Manor Buffet. The price varies depending on what time of year it is and what specials they may have running. The buffet itself is very hard to describe. The room that it's served in is absolutely mesmerizing. They seat you at a table, take your drink order and then instruct you to help yourself.

And help yourself you will. There are literally dozens of tables filled with just about every kind of food you could possibly want including meat, chicken, fish and pork. But not just your everyday dishes. We're talking about some of the most exotic dishes you can find. This is probably one of the bad things about the Manor. There is so much to choose from and all of it so good, that you sometimes can't decide what to put on your plate. You couldn't possibly eat all of it even if you took one spoonful of everything.

And the quality of the food? There is none finer. The Manor chefs are absolutely the most skilled you'll want to meet, that's if you ever get to meet them. Word has it that these chefs are recruited from the finest schools and getting a job at the Manor as a chef is almost impossible.

Obviously, with a place so incredible, you can also plan your wedding there or any other event that you're planning. Yes, the Manor is something that everybody should experience at least once in their lives.

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About The Author, Michael Russell
Michael Russell
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