Enjoying Tex Mex Cuisine

Have you ever found that you tear up every time you get near an onion? Have you ever experienced a pepper burn? Chances are good that if you love Tex Mex cuisine as much as me, you have encountered a good many unique conditions or situations where medical science just did not help one bit. Perhaps you just want some warm tortillas or want to know how to keep fresh fruit looking fresh. Regardless of the tip you need, those tips may be here!

Tearing up while cutting onions is common, but you do not have to suffer any longer. Get a candle. Yes, a simple candle. Light the candle and start cutting. For many people, this will relieve the tearing up associated with cutting into the heart of your favorite onion.

Warm tortillas are a favorite in my house. There are two ways you can warm up your own tortillas. Wrap three tortillas in foil with a dampened paper towel. Place the foil package in a preheated oven at 300 degrees for 10 minutes. You will have nice, warm tortillas ready to put into the tortilla warmer. Of course, you can also place three tortillas in the microwave on an appropriate plate covered with a moistened paper towel for 20 seconds for a nice warm tortilla experience.

Fresh fruit tends to turn brown after being handled or sliced. Whether you are slicing into an avocado, a peach, strawberries, or apples, try coating with a small bit of lime or lemon juice. The ascorbic acid helps the oxidation associated with the browning.

Grabbing for the nearest glass of water after biting into a hot pepper or chili is natural reflexes kicking in. However, the chemical that causes that burning discomfort is made worse by water. Instead, grab milk or ice cream. This will help alleviate the discomfort.

Roasted peppers are delicious as a main dish or as an ingredient. You can roast any pepper by cutting the pepper in half or quarters if excessively large. Take the seeds out with a spoon, and place the peppers on a baking dish sprayed with non stick spray. Place in a preheated 400 degree oven for 10 20 minutes depending on the oven. This is delicious and easy.

Cooking spray is popular these days. However, if you use a cooking spray, use an olive oil cooking spray. It tastes a whole lot better and is significantly healthier for you and your family.

Frozen food generally is a great way to feed your family on those evenings when something quick is needed. However, you should remove and toss any food that is over 3 months old. The food will become freezer burned and distasteful.

Cooking tips are a great way to insure you get the most out of all your meals. Tex Mex cuisine is a popular choice for many people these days, and you will find you get more out of your meal when you gather up tips for your own. The next time you are cooking, consider what you can do to make that meal healthier without losing the delicious taste. You may be surprised at what you discover.

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About The Author, Annie Dubois
More about Annie Dubois and great Mexican food or gift boxes can be found at Mexican Food & Gifts To Go. http://www.texmextogo.com/