About Indian Spices and Herbs

Spices are one of the most remarkable ingredients of Indian cuisine. Without them, Indian food would be as ordinary as the others. Spices and herbs are also one of the reasons why Indian food is becoming popular to people across the globe.

One of the most popular Indian food, the curry, is one example of spices and herbs in India. Curry which came from kari literally means vegetables drenched in spices. Curry became so attached with the Indian cuisine that in fact, made it a symbolism of Indian food in all parts of the world.

There are a lot of herbs and spices that could be found in India, however, you need not know all of them. There are just some spices that you'll need more often than others in cooking Indian recipes. And these spices and herbs, as well as other things related with Indian spices would be enumerated below for further details.

Bhuna - Bhuna is a method of cooking Indian spices, particularly cooking in hot oil. This process is used to release and preserve the flavors of the spices while removing the raw feel of them. Its name literally means cooking in oil and used for cooking Indian food, especially curry.

Curry - This is an Indian food that is made of various spices mixed and cooked together. Curry, which came from the Indian work kari, means vegetables soaked in spices and is therefore a good recipe to resemble the Indian spices. The traditional Indian curry is made up of fenugreek, turmeric, red pepper, black pepper, as well as cloves, coriander and other spices.

Tadka - This is also a process of cooking spices which is similar to Bhuna. However, the difference is that Tadka is used for whole spices only.

Masala - Masala is a term in India which means mixture of spices cooked in oil. Its most popular version is the Garam Masala which is used in preparing many Indian food recipes like curry. This mixture of spices is usually used as garnish for food.

Haldi - Haldi is also known as Turmeric. Its yellowish powder is derived from dried roots. This particular spice is known not only in India, but also in other Asian countries because of its aroma and color. It is also known to have anti oxidants and aids in treating leukemia.

Jeera - This spice is famous and important in many Ayurvedic cooking. It is found to have digestive attributes and is used to flavor food such as curry and vegetables.

Tandoori - Tandoori is like a large oven made up of clay and heated with charcoal. It is used to cook various foods in spices including meat and chicken.

These are some of the things you need to know about Indian herbs and spices. Indian spices are not really hard to deal with and some are similar to what we use in our everyday life. It is just a matter of mixing and cooking them in a right way.

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About The Author, Munus Shankar
Munus Shankar is a chef and the author of Indian Food Recipes, an online Indian Recipes Website offering plenty of free Indian recipes and cooking tips.