Cooking - Can Be Absolutely Relaxing

I find cooking and spending time around my kitchen, dishing out goodies for my family to be not only an absolutely satisfying experience but also a wonderful stress- buster. A relaxed time in the kitchen when I have already decided in advance what to cook and got all the ingredients for it, is simply wonderful.

If it is a new recipe that I am trying then it's even better. I find the excitement of cooking something new truly a fun filled experience. I am working towards a new goal and yes, enjoying then at every stage. Looking forward to how my creation would look when done is definitely wonderful.

I am sure many of you who love cooking have this excitement of trying out new recipes. Going through sites and an irresistible photograph of a delicious dish can actually have me hooked. I look forward to the earliest possible time when I can try out this wonderful recipe. And yes, when done, it is a wonderful reward for all the effort that has gone into it. Approval from my family is the icing on the cake. The whole process of beginning and getting the dish to the table and being able to bring a smile to everyone's face at home is an absolutely pleasurable experience.

Food according to me is a wonderful way of expression (self-expression in fact) and bringing out one's creativity. A little interest and now with the world of internet opening up several doors (and windows too) for you, it is an experience that is unmatched.

If you take it as one of the chores that you have to complete then I guess it is a task that is not going to give you any happiness nor is the end result going to be as good. When you do a work for work's sake and when you do the work with immense passion for it, the difference is evident. Experimenting with all the wonderful ingredients, handling all the different colors that nature has been kind enough to bless us with are privileges I consider that I have. And yes, here I am the creator (at times do agree I turn into a destroyer, but then I strongly do believe that -to err is human- and that is enough to keep me going). I decide what to make, plan my budget and also choose how to make it from the innumerable possibilities. This truly makes me feel on top of the world. I am the boss here.

I love to cook and entertain. A deadly combination I guess. But the pleasure of having family and friends over and cooking wonderful dishes for them is a truly wonderful feeling. Try it and am sure you would love the opportunity of making something special for your near and dear ones.

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About The Author, Mary Anne Durkee
Mary-Anne is a featured member and regular contributor at, a global food network, featuring recipes from all over the world. Other popular healthy recipes videos on include chicken salad recipes, chicken stir fry recipes and Chicken Thighs Recipes