Develop Your Palate through Wine Tasting

If you enjoy the culinary art of drinking wine, you might be interested in attending wine tasting events. Whether you wish to educate your palate by attending wine tasting seminars or if you wish to seek out new interesting wine experiences by being a guest at wine tasting parties, you will enhance your knowledge of wine if you attend a wine tasting event.

If you are interested in attending any kind of wine tasting event, you could ask the proprietor of your local wine store to notify you of any events in your area. Through attending such wine tasting events, you will not only learn about wine tasting, you will also meet other people who are interested in wine tasting.

Most commercial wine tasting events are not for any specific level of wine knowledge or experience. If you attend a wine tasting event sponsored by local wineries, you will likely encounter wine neophytes as well as wine connoisseurs. With such a diverse group of wine tasters on hand, you are sure to learn more about the wines than you would have had you simply tasted the wines in isolation.

Those connoisseurs who have developed their palate can place the aromas and flavor of the wines with more ease than a wine neophyte can. Sometimes the nuances and complexities of wines leave the younger wine drinkers a little baffled as to what the connoisseur means by "an apple nose" or "an acidic palate."

If you attend a wine tasting event, no one will think you rude if you ask such a connoisseur what he or she means by his or her terminology. Because you are tasting the same wine with the same aroma, you can now place a name to the aromas and flavors that you get from the wine.

A debatable custom for wine tasting is spitting. Because everyone’s parents raised them never to spit in public, many people are put off by the spitting practice that often occurs at wine tasting events. However, spitting at a wine tasting event is perfectly couth and acceptable because many wine tasters do not want to become inebriated from tasting the wines.

You will find some wine tasting associations that feel that wine spitting is a waste of good wine, so you will not find spittoons in their tasting rooms. These wine tasting associations feel that spitting is yet another bit of snobbery best left to wine snobs.

Howbeit, there are also good reasons to spit wine. Firstly, spitting does not detract from the flavor of the wine in your mouth if you leave it there for a few seconds. Additionally, if you would like to sample several wines at one wine tasting, you will have difficulty taking notes or keeping the wines straight in your thoughts if you imbibe too much wine

Additionally, if you taste several wines and do not spit and then you get behind the wheel of your car to drive, you put yourself and others at risk because of your driving while intoxicated. When all that you have to do in order to prevent this risk is to spit your wine in a spittoon, you might seriously consider doing so.

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About The Author, Ian Love
Ian Love is the boss of Australian wine retailer - Liquor Merchants, and owns top Perth restaurant Coco’s. He runs a great wine club in Perth.