A Brief Insight Into Types Of Wine

There are remarkable differences between the red and the white wine but at the end of the day, it is the taste that matters. The taste of a wine will be different for a wine in each of the wine group. A wine made in California will be different in taste from the one made in France. It is the taste that differentiates a wine and not the color.

Normally white wine is preferred with a particular type of cuisine like chicken, seafood, turkey, pork, and Chinese cuisine. On the other hand most of the Red wine is preferred with different types of red meat like lamb, beef, goat, duck, sausages, pastas and veal. But you should never treat this rule as the absolute rule. There are some white wines that are even preferred with red meat and the same can be said for red wine.

Vineyards exist across the globe and wines are imported into a particular country from several wine growing regions with France taking the lion's share. Let us take a look at the different types of dry white wine.

Types of Dry White Wine

Most of you are probably wondering how dry white wine is made. Even though the process is not as easy as it seems but here is how it is made. To make a white wine dry, sugar is added and there is a waiting period after that. During the waiting period, the sugar gets converted into alcohol through fermentation. If a small amount of residual sugar is left behind then the wine will be known to be medium-dry but it will not be categorized as a sweet wine. When we talk about a dry white wine, we are talking about different degree of dryness on the basis of which you get the dry wine, the medium-dry wine and the wines that can be categorized as medium-sweet or sweet.

Dry White wine and Food

Dry white wine and the medium-dry white wine have certain crispiness to their taste that is followed with an energizing acidity. Hence the dry white wine is considered a natural accompaniment with different types of cuisines. You can enjoy the smooth lemony-melon taste of the Sauvignon Blanc with a dish of dry Alsatian Riesling, exotic shellfish cuisine, and spicy Thai food. In fact, this is something that a lot of people out there are not aware of: Champagne is not a different drink - it is just a type of dry white wine. Champagne can be enjoyed with cheese, sea-food and even roasted duck.

Here are some of the popular types of dry white wine:

* Sauvignon Blanc: One of the most popular wines, this dry white wine has a crispy clean citrus flavor that will tantalize your taste buds and evoke a certain degree of tautness. This wine is available worldwide but the best quality comes from the Loire Valley as well as Bordeaux in France. It is also found in Austria, New Zealand, South Africa, and California & Washington in the US.

* Chardonnay: Another top-of-the-line wines and a hot favorite with many, the best Chardonnays come from the Burgundy region in France. The most famous places in that region include Chablis and Côte d'Or. The Chardonnay resonates with the taste of apple and citrus.

* Albarino: The Albarino is a Spanish specialty and is found in the northeastern region of Galicia. The region is also known for its seafood and hence the Albarino just complements the local cuisine. This dry white wine has a strong citrus aroma mixed with stone-fruit. It is also made in Portugal and is known as Alvarinho.

* Muscadet: The Muscader comes from the Loire Valley in France. It is also grown and made in the western regions of France close to the Atlantic sea-board. It has a sharp and tangy taste and goes very well with seafood.

Here are some of the popular types of medium-dry white wines:

* Pinot Blanc: A very popular and prominent white wine that is mostly made in different regions of Italy, Germany and Austria.

* Gewürtztraminer: The Gewürtztraminer as the name sounds is mostly found in Germany. Now people have started to make it in Oregon, New Zealand and California. It has a golden tinted color and tastes like the lychee fruit.

* Viognier: It is principally a white wine that belongs to the Condrieu region in Northern Rhone. It has the rich aroma of citrus.

* Gruner Veltliner: The Gruner Veltliner is a medium-dry white wine that comes from Austria.

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About The Author, Keith Jacobsen Sr.