Green Tea Side Effects Are All Positive

Green tea is a refreshing drink that has been consumed in China for hundreds of years, and this drink has become very popular in other places around the world in the recent past. Green tea drinkers consume the beverage hot or cold depending on the temperature, their mood and the availability of the drink.

Green tea side effects are often a matter of discussion for many people believe that green tea side effects are important and definite. Others speculate that the studies outlining green tea side effects are not clearly proven because there are studies that show conflicting results.

There are few adverse green tea side effects that are a part of the discussion. Most people agree that the only really negative green tea side effect is the presence of caffeine in the drink which can cause insomnia like many other drinks that contain caffeine. There are some other green tea side effects due to the caffeine which can be addicting.

People that drink green tea might end up drinking it throughout the day. The good news about these green tea side effects is solved with the availability of caffeine free green tea. Those who love green tea and appreciate the positive green tea side effects can drink the caffeine free drink.

Green Tea Side Effects Are Reported To Be Most Positive

There is even better news about the green tea side effects. There is some evidence that green tea side effects are very positive. The Chinese have used green tea for medicinal reasons for hundreds of years. In the recent past, there have been studies that show some very positive side effects for those that drink green tea. Those who drink green tea do not get certain cancers as much as the general public. There seems to be some very positive news regarding esophageal cancer.

It is also noted that those who drink green tea on a regular basis lower their cholesterol numbers. Lower cholesterol will lead to a healthier heart. The heart benefits from the effects of green tea so those who consume this beverage on a regular basis will have a greater chance of avoiding heart disease.

There is also some evidence that those who drink green tea on a regular basis will avoid the pain of rheumatoid arthritis. The evidence available shows that there are few adverse effects of drinking green tea and many beneficial side effects of drinking green tea.

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About The Author, Ann Marier -
Ann Marier writes informative articles on general health issues providing helpful tips and advice. Her latest articles about the benefits of green tea including green tea and CCL to fight lymphocytic leukemia.