The Health Benefits Of Coffee

Coffee is made of a number of compounds that are well known for having a positive effect on humans. In addition, it contains certain chemicals that are pleasing to the body and that make the consumer "feel good."

One of the benefits of coffee is its ability to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. According to one study, those that drank two cups of coffee per day as compared to those that drank less than one cup per day were significantly less likely to develop the disease. A similar study comparing coffee drinkers to non drinkers found that those that drank 3 cups of coffee per day were less likely to develop Parkinson's Disease.

Studies have also shown that drinking caffeinated coffee has reduce the risk of developing gallstones as well as gallbladder disease in women and in men. Those who drank decaffeinated coffee, however, did not experience the same risk reduction.

Coffee has also been long well known for its ability to help increase the short term memory of those that drink it as well as to increase IQ scores. Those that drink coffee were also found to have a quicker reaction time, better visuospatial reasoning, and improved incident verbal memory. In fact, the amount of coffee the person drank had a direct correlation with how well he or she performed on tests. Studies also found that women over the age of 80 that has regularly consumed coffee during their lifetime performed significantly better on cognitive tests.

Coffee has also been found to have antidiabetic qualities and may even help reduce the risk of developing diabetes mellitus by as much as half. It was also found to provide analgesic enhancement, which means it can make painkillers work more effectively. This is particularly true of those taken for headaches and painkillers. It is because of this research data that some aspirin manufacturers add caffeine to their medication.

Coffee is also considered to be a diuretic and also helps to prevent constipation. It is possible, however, that coffee can cause the bowel movements to become excessively loose. Similarly, it contains a number of anticancer compounds and, therefore, behaves as an antioxidant. In fact, the antioxidant compounds found in coffee and not available in significant amounts in other foods. It is important to note, however, that the most important compound is not found in raw coffee beans. Rather, it is formed during the roasting process. As such, it is found in caffeinated, decaffeinated, and even instant coffees.

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About The Author, Adrian Adams
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