Specialty Of The Usual Kitchen Coffee

Physicists discovered a full zoo of atomic particles of exotic types during 1930s. Kaons and Muons and countless others were discovered. Enrico Fermi, the famous physicist commented that 'he had to be a botanist to remember all that'. It is ironic that later he invented the atomic bombs usage process.

Coffee gives me the same feeling. The various names of the brew become impossible to remember in spite of them sounding delicious, romantic and fascinating!

With a silent 'e' is the simple and elegant Frappe. A cold espresso made with crushed ice cubes, two teaspoons of sugar and milk, it is widely drunk in Latin America and Europe. Add cr?me de cacao and a quarter cup each of brandy to get a nice variation. My wish is those drinking it should be silent as it's served with a straw.

Cappuccino Borgia, a namesake of the famed poisoner, is a wicked counterpart to the innocent Frappe. This is a delicious concoction of peeled orange and chocolate ice cream. You start speaking Italian of 15th century after adding a quarter-cup milk to the espresso and 6 tablespoons of orange juice to blend it.

Come 21st century and for a Calypso Cooler you fly to the Caribbean. Two cups of coffee ice cream, a pair of ripe bananas is added for the chilled coffee with extra strength. You can lose luggage if four tablespoons of rum is also added.

Let's not forget Caffee Zabaglone, the mysterious Latin kind where our kitchen coffee is getting complemented with alcohol. For the feast to start, a quarter cup of sugar is added to equal amount of dry Marsala. Cook till thick after whisking the mix with four egg yolks and a pinch of salt. To get the drink for hangover cure and breakfast, a cup of Italian roast at room temperature is added.

The French of New Orleans have nothing different from the ancestors of Rome. To get a Mardi Gras, with a silent 's', a half-cup each of bourbon, heavy cream and eggnog is added double strength American roast. And at 4 am when I'm trying to sleep, the crowd is still loud.

Famous for its cut with cardamom, strong, dark flavor is Ordinary Turkish coffee. Cardamom Kaffee is made by Scandinavians too.

Add a cardamom pod, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 teaspoons of curacao, and an eighth-cup of cognac. Put it on fire after heating for about ten seconds in the microwave. Prepare to be doused on a four-alarm fire after drinking it with a half-cup of extra strength coffee.

I have to praise the numerous creative grind and brew coffee makers for inventing such different mixtures, regardless of all the names. They might not have invented massive bombs but you surely get a jolt with their products!

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About The Author, Clinton Maxwell.
Clinton Maxwell writes articles first and foremost for http://www.coffee-espresso-maker-tips.com , a web page with information about coffee and cappuccino. His work on grind and brew coffee makers can be found on his website . Don't reprint this exact article. Instead, reprint a free unique content version of this same article.