Single Cup Coffee Machine

Espresso machine and the filter coffee makers took a turn for the better when they came up with the single cup coffee machine. Everyone was accustomed to the usual coffee machines that would make a whole pot of coffee, but there was always the "no good enough" feelings among the user.

The key complain, is the difficulty in getting the right amount of coffee, it is usually a problem of brewing too much or too little. Sure you could adjust the amount of coffee you wanted to brew but most people find that it is difficult to estimate the exact amount of coffee grounds for the amount of coffee they wanted to drink.

With the single serve machines, the pre-measured single serve allows you to make the perfect measured cup of coffee every time.

There are maybe close to hundred different brands of single serve coffee makers around, and it can be quite fustrating to choose the right one. However, it can be segment into 3 board categories: the K-cups, the T-disc and the pods.

First, is the K-cups where you can get gourmet coffee as well as teas and hot cocoas. You do not have to worry about measuring, filters or even grinding the beans. The K-cups offers over 50 types of beverages and they can be brewed anywhere in less than a minute with the Keurig machine.

The K-cups have their own brands and their own patented technology in sealing the coffee ground to ensure that you get the freshest cup of coffee with every cup. And, their variety range from Starbucks coffee to Twinnings tea, so you can say that they are serving some of the most branded F&B brands. If the above are consideration when purchasing coffee, then the Keurig is your choice.

Then, there is the T-disc that offer cups of pure pleasure such as an espresso or latte with no fuss or mess. However, the advantage of T-disc is definitely its cappuccino, that comes complete with real froth.

Their patented code on the T-disc brew each individual drink differently. The T-disc uses a machine that is called the Tassimo. And, this is the machine that converts the code that it read from the T-disc to a frothy cup of cappuccino.

If you are someone that is particular about how the brew would turn out, then Tassimo is the machine that you should get. Especially, if you want an instant cappuccino.

Lastly, there are the coffee pods machine that are more flexible than Keurig or Tassimo, some single serve are able to take in any range of pods from Douwe Egberts to Nespresso. These pods mitigate a major problem for single cup coffee machine -the closed brand system.

Despite all its convenience and ease of use, the single serve usually can only use its own brand of coffee, for example, Keurig can only use the K-cups and Tassimo can only use its T-disc.

However, with "no brand" pod machine coming into the market, they can use pods from any companies, giving the pod coffee maker the largest range of beverages to choose from. So, pod coffee maker is easy to use, measured to user preferences and have the widest range of coffee.

No matter what your tastes are in hot beverages you can be sure to find a single cup coffee machine within these 3 categories that will make your life easier. The ease of these machines and the variety of choices that you have, will make this a must have to any household, if not now, then in the near future...

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About The Author, Errand25