History Of Coffee

While hard to verify to accuracy, the history of coffee, is the legend of a sheepherder who realized the effects of coffee while tending his sheep. When they ate a certain type of berry off a plant, his sheep became really agitated. So he decided to try it too, and felt the same effect. Rumour has it that a monk advised him to be cautious of the devil's fruit. However, it is also rumoured that the monks used the fruit to keep away from sleeping and pray.

Another wide spread legend reveals an Arabian was banished to the desert. He boiled and ate a plant that was unknown to him. Only with the plant, he was able to survive in the desert. The residents of a town close by thought the survival was a religious sign. The plant was then named Mocha, after that village,community.

Some individuals believe the coffee plant originally grew only in Ethiopia. They wrapped it in animal fat to eat while on raids. It was transported to Arabia, it grew, and they took control of the market. The first to drink it were the Turks. For a sweeter taste, they added cinnamon and clove.

Coffee founds its way to Europe via the Venetian trade merchants. Rumours of the taste of coffee started to surface all over. The Arab's keep an even tighter grip on the coffee plants. Christian's started saying coffee was the devil's drink, similar to the monk story above. try it. He really liked it. Talk of banishing coffee went away after that.

Coffee houses were built everywhere in Europe soon after. They became a popular place to hang out and drink coffee. It was in the 1700's that coffee traveled to Americas. A French infantry captain took a small plant with him. That plant was cultivated, and within 50 years, more than 19 million of coffee trees were planted. Coffee was proclaimed the national drink of the United States in a protest of the excessive taxes on tea from Britain.

Today, millions of individuals get pleasure from their coffee throughout the day. Coffee comes in a lot of brands and a lot of flavors. You can get ground coffee or coffee beans at most any grocery store. There are also gourmet coffees to choose from. Starbuck's Coffee, a million dollars business, is offering you the convenience of coffee any way you want it.

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About The Author, Paul Emile
Nathan Knightley a well known author is also an Information researcher and genuinely likes sharing his knowledge with others. Learn more
now about Coffee and all about Coffee And Coffee Beans answers at his website http://www.worldgourmetcoffeeguide.com