Difference Between Various Types Of Coffee Beans?

From the millions of people who drink coffee all over the world every day, how many do you think that are able to tell the flavor difference between various types of coffee beans? Too few, since what we treasure most is the intensity of the caffeine content: yes, we can tell at any moment whether a coffee is strong enough or not, but we are definitely unable to distinguish one flavor from another. However, the very caffeine content is closely connected to the types of coffee beans used in the making of the mixture.

Coffee Arabica, for instance, is the one that is probably the best known variety, on which more than 75% of the world's commerce relies. Arabica coffee beans are sweet and highly flavored, they usually grow in very rich subtropical climates with rich soil and plenty of sun and humidity conditions. It is well known that after being roasted, coffee beans need to be immediately packed or preserved in special conditions so that the aroma doesn't fade away. Among the most advanced technological processes used by coffee manufacturing companies, there is one that includes the freezing of the coffee beans right after being roasted.

Such techniques ensure a long-lasting coffee beans flavor that remains as intense even after opening the package. Though, people find it easier to use and prepare, packed ground coffee doesn't have the same aroma as freshly ground coffee beans. In case you decide to prepare the coffee mix at home you'll have to select the coffee beans very carefully; you should first ask what type of coffee you're buying, what the roasting procedure is and where it is produced. For anyone who likes more intense coffee beans, it is nice to try Robusta variety, growing in the forests of Belgian Congo.

The difference between Robusta and Arabica coffee beans lies in the concentration of caffeine, the former having twice the amount you'll find in the latter. This would explain the more bitter, highly intense taste and the name of Robusta coffee. In terms of geographical specificity, this coffee shrub grows in lower altitudes than Arabica, somewhere between 200 and 800 meters above the sea level; not to mention the fact that it is far less expensive to produce and harvest. African or Java coffee beans, Arabia or Robusta varieties, coffee is present everywhere in our daily lives; after all, this is the drink we get up with.

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About The Author, Muna Wa Wanjiru
Muna wa Wanjiru Has Been Researching and Reporting on Chess for Years. For More Information on Coffee Beans, Visit His Site at COFFEE BEANS