Brewing Coffee - Past and Present

The way coffee has been brewed over the last few decades has undergone a total metamorphosis. Especially with the advent of technology and latest techniques, the methods of brewing have developed multi-fold in the recent years. Here, let us trace the development of these processes, with a brief highlight of the accompanying activities.

To begin with, the process started with letting the boiling water flow graciously on a basket full of grounds. Though, the coffee might not have turned out that good, but the procedure was indeed enchanting. Moving on in the 1970s, the drip method was introduced. This method was inexpensive, quick and even offered a better taste. The procedure included a cup of grounds which were put in a plastic container over filter paper. This was soon followed by the introduction of the pre-packaged pods, with innovative controls to adjust the brew. This also included internal spouts that could spread the water evenly over the grounds.

The 1990s

Further in the 1990s, expresso makers revolutionized the entire scene and European culture took over. The process involved forcing hot water under pressure and passing it through the finely ground dark roast. For further taste and luxury, steamed and frothy milk is added in different ratios to produce cappuccino and latte, in accordance with the milk or coffee you've put. Recently there is a new device doing rounds amongst the one cup coffee makers. The French Plunger, as it is known, is another device that has further spread the European methods. In this method, a metal rod goes into the center of a glass cylinder. At the other end, there is a filter, which fits snugly in the container.

Another effective brew method also uses the vacuum brewer, which includes two glass or metal bowls placed over each other. In this process, the heat causes water to rise into the upper bowl from the lower one. When the heat is removed, the liquids begin to cool slightly and a partial vacuum is created which draws the hot water over the grounds, flowing into the lower chamber.

The Facts

There is evidence to show that the oldest method to exist probably is the Ibrik, from Turkey. In this the water was basically heated in a brass container with a long handle and a tongue, which is slightly grooved. Towards the end, finely ground coffee is added directly to the hot water before being poured, which is also done unfiltered, for a stronger taste.

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About The Author, Lindenwalhard.
Linden Walhard often creates detailed reports on things relating to one shot coffee makers. On his site you might discover his comments on one shot coffee makers and one cup coffee makers.