Benefits of Coffee And Caffeine

The smell of brewed coffee can surely awaken the senses. But individuals will feel the effects more after sipping because this is when the effects of coffee truly happen.

What are exactly the effects of coffee? Studies have shown this can boost someone's vigilance, improve concentration and performance. In the body, this means a heart rate increase, blood pressure and basal metabolic rate. It will also promote urine production and can help relax muscle tension. It is the reason why that many have coffee while studying for a test, to help wake up in the morning or be able to work through the night.

Caffeine is the main ingredient in coffee. Research shows that it is not harmful to drink one or two cups every day. However, if someone exceeds this quantity he may suffer the negative effects that include difficulty sleeping, headaches, irregular heartbeat, nausea and muscle tension. This may also lead to ulcer or heartburn, which is why specialists also recommend people to drink moderately.

For pregnant women or patients who have heart disease, coffee is not good and they should avoid it because it may cause birth defects and other health problems.

But those who drink coffee may also feel the same effects by consuming produces that contain caffeine. Examples of these are tea, sodas and chocolates.

Coffee would not make the person do a foolish thing which is usually associated with the use of alcohol or illegal substances. But it may form a habit. Those who drink it on a regular basis and all of a sudde stop may feel what is called a withdrawal effects that will disappear after a few days when they can once again have a cup of coffee.

It appears that certain diseases have been prevented by coffee. For instance, Java works as an anti-depressant, now that is definitely what we can call good effects of coffee. Others are known to lessen the chances of developing Parkinson's disease in men even if doctors aren't yet able to determine the cause of this disease.

In almost every household, coffee is being consumed. It can be purchased from the store or brewed at home or in the office. The effects of coffee has on one person might differ with another depending on how the body reacts to the caffeine so when the individual feels this is enough, it is time to stop rather than feeling the negative effects of drinking too much.

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About The Author, Paul Emile
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