Food and Recipes » Beverage Guide » Gourmet Coffee
Preparing The Perfect Cup Of Coffee
by Brian Hill. Most coffee "addicts" are in search of the perfect cup of coffee. Stores are scoured for the many variety of beans to experiment with, different techniques of roasting are used as well as an assortment of brewing methods, all with a view to brew the...
Similar Editorial : Hopeful for a cup of coffee | Tags : Buy Coffee Cup

Scandinavians Preferred Something Sugary At Coffee Break
by Jerry Blackburn... According to the colonial period, a baker did not originally create coffee cake. Coffee cake can be traced back well before that period. At first, they were delicious honey bars. Then it evolved into French galettes, which inspired fruitcakes and...
Similar Editorial : Turn Perfect Coffee into Satisfying Coffee | Tags : Cinnamon Streusel Coffee Cake

These Standard Coffee Cups Come With Numerous Attractive Poems
by John Bakers. A traditional present that does not go out of fashion, even for the person who seemingly has everything, is a custom made coffee mug. These can be purchased for mere pennies on the dollar and will bring a smile to your friend's face for ages to come....
Similar Editorial : Espresso Maker and Coffee Cups | Tags : Coffee Mugs Cups

Little Known Ways About Cafeine And Coffee
by Nathan Knightley. The aroma of brewed coffee can really stimulate the senses. But people will feel the effects more after sipping because this is when the effects of coffee truly happen.What exactly are the effects of coffee? Studies have shown this can boost someone...
Similar Editorial : Different Ways to Brew Coffee | Tags : Alcohol Effects On The Body

Improve The Taste Of Your Coffee
by Cliff Eppalton. Braun coffee makers are durable; appearances attractive are typically easy to clean. Braun products in the 1970s began to show design, inspired by pop-art; modern Braun enterprises of that period began to encourage the manufacture of many everyday...
Similar Editorial : The Gourmet Coffee Taste Test | Tags : Braun Coffee Maker Water Filter

History of Nescafe Coffee
If necessity is the mother of invention then profit may be the mother necessity. As the Great Depression gripped the United States in the 1930's and coffee sales plummeted there was a definite need for the coffee growers to find new ways to sell...
Similar Editorial : History Behind the Coffee Buzz | Tags : Nescafe Instant Coffee

La Minita Coffee - Its in the Green Beans
La Minita; Spanish for The Little Gold Mine says it all. La Minita is arguably the best coffee in the world and is sipped by the who's who in the specialty coffee industry as well as by those of us who have access to it in our businesses. Similar to...
Similar Editorial : Best Coffee Beans | Tags : Green Coffee Beans

Roast Your Own Coffee
For years, the idea of roasting your own coffee beans has been kept a mystery by the coffee roasting industry. It had been deemed too hard or too complicated. Well these are new times and the truth is out; it's easy, fun and economical and can be...
Similar Editorial : Guide to Buying Roast Coffee Beans | Tags : Fresh Roast Coffee Roaster

History of Mexican Coffee
Mexico has a long history of coffee production as well as its Latin neighbors the south. Mexican coffee is grown mainly in the South central to Southern regions of the country. Coffee from Coatepec and Veracruz is much different from Oaxacan Plumas,...
Similar Editorial : History Of Coffee | Tags : Mexican Coffee

Maxwell House Coffee History
Legend has it that in 1907 President Teddy Roosevelt visited Maxwell House, the prestigious Nashville hotel and after finishing a cup of their namesake coffee, he declared it was, "good to the last drop." At least that is what Maxwell House Coffee...
Similar Editorial : Coffe House Coffee In Your Home | Tags : Maxwell House Coffee

Home Coffee Roasting - Makes all the difference
Go Ahead---Have Some Coffee--- It's Not JUST COFFEE Anymore!As I sit here one the deck with my daily morning cup of coffee, I realize... just a few years ago I'd have had a cup of dark strong, stovetop brew with some milk to ease the taste. No more!!...
Similar Editorial : Coffee Roasting De mystified | Tags : Home Roasting Coffee

A Guide To Choosing Expresso Machines
by Ken Morris. Expresso machines are one of the most popular kitchen appliances. They have gained popularity in recent years. With one of these machines in your house, you can have your favourite coffee shop drink whenever you want, without having to leave the...
Similar Editorial : A Look at Coffee Machines | Tags : Expresso Coffee Machines

Expresso Machines Characteristics
by Johnathan Bakers -. If you are trying to find the expresso machine that is best for you, you will first have to decide which are the features that are the most important to you. With all of the expresso models out there, even many models from the same manufacturer, it...
Similar Editorial : About Coffee Machines | Tags : Expresso Coffee Machine

If You Love Expresso
by Johnathan Bakers -. Coffee is grown in over seventy countries, from Indonesia to Brazil. Yet the total production of coffee is relatively small because it is such a fussy plant. Even though we call it a coffee bean, this is a misnomer. The little pod that is roasted,...
Similar Editorial : Barista Expresso Coffee Machines | Tags : Expresso Coffee

If You Love Expresso...
by Clinton Maxwell -. Things have certainly changed regarding coffee today. Gone are the simple cups at the local diner. Now, coffee is high tech and high design. Try the local coffee shop and the variety available is amazing, and the star among them is expresso. Everyone...
Similar Editorial : How I Came To Love Tea | Tags : Expresso Machine

Drink a Cappucino When You Travel
by Clintonmaxwell. Coffee is one of the world's most popular beverages. There are tons of different varieties and specifications that go along with drinking coffee. The difference in varieties depends not only on the bean, but also the location and how it was grown....
Similar Editorial : Origins Of Cappucino | Tags : Cappucino Coffee Maker

Cappucino: Use Only The Highest Quality Beans
by Robertcarlton. If you have a craving for cheesecake you would go to a caf or bakery. Where do people go who want fresh roasted coffee beans? Coffee bean bakeries are not always available, but there are always local coffee shops that do their own roasting. These...
Similar Editorial : Purchasing High Quality Gourmet Coffee Beans | Tags : Espresso Cappucino Maker

Create the Perfect Foam - Steaming Milk for Cappucinos
by Cory Willins. For true coffee lovers, foam on their cappuccino is more important than icing on a cake. It is more than a little something extra; it is a vital part of the experience. Even the most talented baristas flub their first attempts at froth. What is the...
Similar Editorial : Growing Cacao to Create Chocolate | Tags : Soy Milk Machine

Espresso Or Cappucino - How To Add Some "oomph" Into Your Cuppa!
by Peter Lim. " Oomph is the intricate inner feeling of that touch of power, unexplained yet real, that comes with the drinking of coffee"I had been a long term tea drinker, preferring tea to any other beverage for years, until one day, I had a new assistant. I...
Similar Editorial : Drink a Cappucino When You Travel | Tags : Cappucino Coffee

Origins Of Cappucino
by Johnathan C. Baker -. It may just be something you get out of the cappuccino machine in the office to kick-start your day, but there is a lot more to the origins and legends of coffee than you probably imagine. For a simple drink, the number of different beliefs relating...
Similar Editorial : Coffee Origins | Tags : Espresso Cappucino Machine

Crema and the Perfect Espresso
by Fenton Wayne. In a good espresso - the crema is the key. All espresso machines use similar methods to extract the delicious coffee oils into the final beverage, but it is the quality of the crema that reveals all.It is the quality and formation of the 'crema' that...
Similar Editorial : How To Make Perfect Espresso Coffee | Tags : Barista Espresso Machine

Understanding Your Espresso Machine
by Fenton Wayne. Get to know the components and workings of your espresso coffee machine.An espresso machine is, quite simply, a hot water boiler and steam generator with one or more integral, pressurised, coffee brewing points. With the emphasis on maintaining an...
Similar Editorial : Saeco Coffee Espresso Machine | Tags : Semi Automatic Espresso Machine

Make A Great Cup of Coffee
by John Falkinder. Ever wondered what the secrets are to making Espresso as good as the coffee house baristas do? Well stay with me a while and I will give away some of their trade secrets so you too can master the art of making a great cup of espresso.The most...
Similar Editorial : Things That Make A Great Coffee | Tags : Plastic Coffee Cup

Office Espresso Machine
by Jay Kranz. They may have dual functions that combine drip and espresso coffee machines and for the espresso machine there would also be controls that switch between brewing espresso and frothing milk. This is another place where a lot of people come and go and...
Similar Editorial : Understanding Your Espresso Machine | Tags : Office Espresso Machine

Bargain Office Espresso Machine on eBay
by Jay Kranz. They may have dual functions that combine drip and espresso coffee machines and for the espresso machine there would also be controls that switch between brewing espresso and frothing milk. This is another place where a lot of people come and go and...
Similar Editorial : Office Espresso Machine | Tags : Espresso Cappuccino Coffee Machine

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