Cocktails That Dont Bust Your Diet

There are many different low calorie alcoholic drinks, and while many other mixed drinks not on this list can be made lighter, the alcoholic cocktails mentioned here have some of the best calorie to taste ratios. One of the best options on this list is a derivative of a popular drink:

Rum and Diet Coke. Some people say that can't really taste a major difference, but there are others who don't like diet soda. If you can get used to this, then a normal rum and diet coke clocks in at a feather weight 110 calories, making it one of the best low calorie alcoholic mixed drinks.

Vodka Diet Cranberry. The Vodka and cranberry is a very popular cocktail, but juice can pack both calories and sugar. Switch it out with a cranberry flavored Crystal Lite or any equivalent and the calories stay off, making this drink a winner at a mere 140 calories.

Cosmopolitan. The Cosmopolitan is an excellent low calorie alcoholic drink that can be made easily. A Cosmopolitan is four parts vodka, two parts triple sec, two parts cranberry juice (use a 0 calorie substitute if possible), and one part lime juice for a tasty low calorie treat.

Mojito. This low calorie alcoholic drink is making a popular comeback, and why not? A properly made Mojito has only 160 calories and 15 grams of sugar, and it is a tasty treat.

To make a Mojito you need 3 fresh mint sprigs, two teaspoons of sugar, three tablespoons of fresh lime juice, 1.5 oz of light rum, and club soda. In a tall thin glass crush several of the mint leaves with a fork to coat the inside of the glass. Add the sugar and lime juice first, stir thoroughly. Top it with ice and then add the rum and top it off with cold club soda, then add a lime slice and the remaining mint and you're done.

This low calorie alcoholic mixed drink is making a major comeback, thanks in part to many commercials.

Bloody Mary. The classic Bloody Mary is only 150 calories and 10 grams of sugar, making this popular classic one of the most popular choices among low calorie mixed drinks. A classic Bloody Mary only remains a good choice, though, if the alcohol content is normal and not inflated or "strong" the way many bartenders like to make it.

If you are looking for a low calorie alcoholic drink, these are some of your best choices.

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About The Author, Shane Dayton
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