Zrii - A Drink With Health Benefits

Zrii - A Drink With Health Benefits

There is nothing like a drink which can revive us when we are thirsty and tired. However, all the drinks that we consume are not good for health or have any health benefits. Some of the drinks that we take can ruin our health and one such example is the aerated drinks that we take thinking that they are harmless; they can create lot of health related problems.

If you want to stay in good health, then you must consider nutritional drinks such as Zrii. It is an herbal drink which uses Amalaki as its prime ingredient along with 6 other herbal ingredients. Amalaki is nutritional fruit that grows in the foothills of the Himalayan mountain range. The other 6 ingredients that are used to unlock the potential of Amalaki include Tulsi, Turmeric, Haritaki, Ginger, Schizandra and Jujube. This superior health drink is developed based on the ancient Ayurvedic system of medicine. Ayurveda is one of the ancient systems of medicine which is over 5000 years old and it originated in India. One of the three concerns of Ayurveda is rejuvenation and in this context, Ayurveda describes Amalaki as a rejuvenating agent that promotes detoxification and rejuvenation of cells increasing its immunity and vitality. It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory fruit and it helps digestion and metabolism as well. Besides that it is also very good for skin and hair. To give this nutritional drink an irresistible flavor all the herbs and fruits are blended with pomegranate, grape and pear juice.

Ayurveda identified this fruit as a rejuvenating agent because it has a large number of nutrients available in the natural form and some of the nutrients include Phytonutrients, anti-oxidants, amino acids, tannins, polyphenols, and biofalvonoids etc., which are known for their abilities to increase the overall vitality of the body by cellular rejuvenation. It contains ellagic and gallic acid and emblianin-polyphenols which are useful detoxification agents. Other youth promoting and anti-inflammatory qualities of this fruit comes from Rutin, quercetin superoxide dismutase. Amalaki is also a rich source for vitamin C which is available in a form that is readily available for the body.

Zrii, a world-class nutritional drink through its rigorous research efforts using Ayurvedic principles has produced this drink after continuous testing of the drink for its health benefits. To ensure a high quality product all the ingredients of this drink are organically grown without the use of any synthetic herbicides, fertilizers or pesticides. It is totally grown in natural environment without the use of any genetically modified agents or any artificial products. Moreover, the drink Zrii itself does not contain any artificial preservatives so it is 100% natural and 100% safe.

Through this health drink you can gain increased vitality and a great sense of well being. Consuming Zrii in one ounce portions up to 3 times a day will keep you active through out the day. You can fight stress and fatigue through this drink which will help you to achieve better results in whatever you are doing because Zrii converts you into a ball of energy.

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About The Author, Bill2 Cunningham2
Bill Cunningham is author of this article on Zrii. Find more information about Zrii Amalaki here.