Why Drink Bottled Water?

Bottled water is one of the most popular, and most expensive consumer beverages available today. Vast quantities are sold daily in North America and around the world.

The question is, why?

The bottled water industry has created a desire for their product by capitalizing on fear. The average consumer may be suspicious of their municipal water supply for a wide variety of reasons, including plenty of horror stories in the press detailing lax water quality standards or procedures at some municipal water treatment plants.

Still other consumers are concerned about the quality of their own well water due to stories of how easily ground water can be contaminated with industrial or agricultural waste from factories and factory farms.

The media has helped create an environment where consumers are afraid to drink their own tap water.

Consider the cost. Bottled water can add hundreds of dollars to the grocery bill for the average family. In fact over time the cost to consumers can be literally tens of thousands of dollars thrown away chasing a decent and healthy glass of water.

Consider the environment. Every year tens of millions of plastic water bottles end up in landfill and littering the environment. This is an environmental disaster of epic proportions yet millions of otherwise environmentally aware people pay no heed to the mountain of garbage they help create by using bottled water products.

Consider the alternative. Much of the bottled water available today is simply filtered municipal tap water while some still comes from underground natural sources. In most bottled water plants, the water is put through a filter, possibly disinfected and then bottled. Consumers have the ability to own the very same water treatment technology that most bottled water plants use, and individuals can produce their very own high quality (in fact higher quality than many bottled waters) right at home, using their own tap water as the source. The result is bottled water quality (or better) throughout the entire home for a tiny fraction of the cost of bottled water.

Think about that for a moment.

Consumers can have their very own bottled water quality, at every faucet in the home including showers, tubs, kitchen etc. and still save possibly tens of thousands of dollars over the long-term cost of buying bottled water.

The benefits of owning a whole-house water filter system over using bottled water are obvious to many. The advantages in cost savings and environmental protection simply scream out at those who will listen.

Protect your water and provide for yourself and your family, the benefits are many.

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About The Author, Art_stanley
UVshack.com offers complete whole-house water filtration systems using chemical-free UV technology. Systems are available for any size family, and shipping is offered for free in North America. Visit http://www.uvshack.com for complete details.