Tap vs. Bottled Water

Many people have health concerns about drinking tap water. This is often due to the fact that it does sometimes have an unpleasant odour and in some cases may even appear cloudy. Chemicals such as chlorine are often added to tap water to make it safe for consumption without boiling.

In addition to health standards that must be met, there will often be fluoride added to tap water that helps prevent tooth decay. It certainly costs a great deal less than bottled water and is conveniently sourced straight from the tap. There is no chance of running out just when you need a drink. Another benefit that many people may not have thought about is that you can drink it from glass rather than plastic, which can help reduce plastic waste. However, plastic waste can also be reduced by recycling plastic water bottles.

On the other hand, bottled water must also reach certain standards of purification. There is no chlorine taste, which means children, especially may like it more. It is certainly handy to take a bottle of water with you when you go out and if you add a few drops of food colouring, the kids won't be pestering for soft drinks that are full of sugar and caffeine. Some bottled water contains extra minerals and vitamins. Wherever it comes from, water is good for you.

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About The Author, Melanie C
Find out more about <a href="http://www.tranquilwater.com.au">bottled spring water delivery</a> and <a href="http://www.tranquilwater.com.au/products.html">bottled water dispenser</a> at Tranquil Water (http://www.tranquilwater.com.au) for clean, great-tasting water in the home and office.