Switching To Bottled Water Home Coolers?

For one reason or another, people are opting to drink their water out of bottles instead of the tap. Some are afraid of contamination, while others simply prefer the taste of crisp, clean spring water. Whatever the reason, the bottled water industry is booming, and bottled water home coolers are popping up in kitchens across the country.

The tap water vs. bottled water debate has been around for years, and for many people it all boils down to taste. They insist that they prefer bottled water because it just tastes better. They believe that it not only tastes sweeter and cleaner than tap water, but is much more refreshing too. While some swear by a particular brand and refuse to drink anything else, other people are not as particular and will drink any brand of bottled water.

It is certainly true that tap water does often have a peculiar taste or aroma, and depending upon where you live it can be downright unpleasant. This is because chemicals like chlorine are added to the water in order to lower bacteria levels. Geographic factors like high concentrations of iron or sulfur also contribute to foul smelling and bad tasting drinking water.

Aside from polluting the taste of tap water, these chemicals are a major concern in the tap water vs. bottled water debate. They feel that the addition of chemicals to tap water pose health risks for certain people, including women that are pregnant or nursing. Some people are concerned that the chemicals being used to treat the public water supplies are creating other serious problems that have yet to be discovered or addressed.

Outbreaks of contamination in public drinking water are another reason that many households have decided to install bottled water home coolers. Even though local water supplies are strictly regulated, accidents do happen. And when they do, water contaminated with dangerously high bacteria levels makes its way to your faucet and into your drinking water. A person need only get sick once from having this happen, and they will never, ever drink water from the tap again.

Tap water is generally clean and safe, as it is subject to strict regulations. But bottled water is subject to much more rigorous standards and regulations. That's because it is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), while tap water is regulated by local authorities.

The convenience of home delivery service is another reason for the surge in bottled water consumption. Many manufacturers offer this service, and some companies offer a wide variety of brands, so you can have your favorite brand of water delivered right to you door.

There has been a great deal of concern about the excess plastic waste from plastic water bottles piling up in landfills across the country. But with bottled water home coolers, that is not a problem. The coolers are recycled, and the delivery service picks up the empties every time they deliver a new supply to your home.

Keeping your body properly hydrated is essential to your health. So if concerns about your local tap water are keeping you from drinking enough water every day, you might want to think about installing a bottled water home cooler.

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About The Author, Melanie Sattonfield
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