Strawberry Banana Smoothies You Will Love |
What do you think is the most common type of smoothie? What sort of results would you get if you took a poll? Odds are, strawberry banana smoothies would top the list. Something that is so popular has to be good! It's time to hop on to this trend and maybe even add your own twist. Strawberry and banana are a winning combination for many reasons. Banana is a creamier fruit that is very sweet. Strawberries are of course very sweet, but they are also quite tart and rich with passion. They go perfectly with the sweet and mellower bananas. Strawberry banana smoothies usually include a mixture of the fruits along with ice and milk. That's a delicious recipe as it is, but you can still find ways to make it even better. One of the best things about smoothies is that you can combine almost any kind of fruits in the blender and come out with something that tastes wonderful. Here's another idea: Try mixing some blueberries with strawberry banana smoothies. The difference in flavor will be subtle, but delicious. If you're trying to get more antioxidants in your diet, you will absolutely love this smoothie variation. By the way, chocolate does wonderful things for smoothies made with strawberries and bananas. Ever tried strawberries and bananas coated in chocolate? If so, you know how delicious they are. Try using a chocolate ice cream or yogurt in place of the plain flavors and you'll soon be a favorite. Of course, it also pays off to make your smoothie drink as healthy as possible. This might sound strange, but adding kale or chard to your drink can give you a great dose of vitamins. So what you get is a wonderful drink that tastes of strawberries and bananas, but you'll still get your healthy greens. Just experiment and see what you come up with. Before long, you'll be inventing all sorts of banana and strawberry concoctions. Make this a habit, and your doctor will be blown away by your improved health. To get started, it's a good idea to find the best in smoothie recipes. You can use those to get your feet wet in the world of smoothie health and fun.