Prescription Drugs Is Drinking Water?

Despite the prescription drugs in drinking water, most treatment facilities in the United States continue to meet Environmental Protection Agency health standards. The EPA has yet to set any standards for drugs in the drinking water. Most facilities are not even required to test for them and lots of them don't.

The Associated Press listed 24 major metropolitan areas that tested positive for prescription drugs in drinking water samples ready to be sent to the public. The cities mentioned include Atlanta, Cincinnati, DC, Columbus, Denver, Detroit, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Philadelphia.

There were 56 different drugs in the drinking water samples tested in Philadelphia. When city officials were interviewed by the AP, some have "no comment". Others insist that the levels are "safe" for human consumption. Many say they do not test.

A few facilities reported that there were no prescription drugs in drinking water tests, but the AP found that tests conducted by independent labs were positive. So, basically, they lied.

They have lied to us before. Before we had to worry about drugs in the drinking water, we had to worry about chlorine. I personally called my facility concerning the high levels. A glass from the tap was actually yellow.

They insisted that the levels were safe, nothing to worry about and go right on drinking from the tap. Of course, there was no way we could drink that. So, I compared products and bought the best home purifier that I could find.

Just recently, the Environmental Working Group has suggested that everyone who lives in my area should have a carbon filter, because the levels of chlorine are too high. My purifier includes that step and others that address the issue of prescription drugs in drinking water.

I still worry about all of the chemicals and drugs in the drinking water. Not because my family is unprotected, but because so many people don't understand the necessity of a home purifier.

The EPA only advises "at-risk" individuals, people with weakened immune systems, to use one. They are only concerned about "immediate" health threats from cryptosporidium and other cysts. They may be present in any supply and even in bottled waters.

They are not yet concerned about the increasing number of cancer cases that are related to chlorination and chlorination byproducts. Now, the latest research indicates that the prescriptions drugs in drinking water, primarily the sex hormones, cause cancer cells to grow faster.

Still, there is no recommendation by major health organizations for citizens to protect themselves with home purification. The problem with the drugs in the drinking water is only going to get worse as the population continues to grow.

Facilities cannot keep up with the people that are already here. How will they protect future generations? Many cities chose bids from providers that used the "least" effective means possible, because they were cheaper. Even though there are federal funds to make upgrades. Cities constantly delay.

So, spread the word. Tell your friends that tap-water is unsafe and that buying bottled is no better than drinking straight from the tap. Tell them about the chemicals, cysts and prescription drugs in drinking water. Since the government is not going to do it, let's protect ourselves.

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About The Author, Laurel Tevolitz
Laurel Tevolitz is a dedicated researcher of critical issues that affect health and well-being. Visit her water purification blog now at to discover which water purification system she recommends after extensive research.