Philosophy For Buying a Citrus Juicer

Oranges are not a new idea but they are definitely a proven source of healthful benefits. You can give orange slices to your children and then clean up the sticky mess that will result or you can consider buying a citrus juicer. It is often more efficient, pleasant and tidier to give your child a glass of fresh squeezed juice.

Benefits of Oranges

those oranges are high in vitamin C is common knowledge. Vitamin C, it seems, is an antioxidant which helps in the prevention of cancer and heart disease, it even prevents colds and the flu. It also boosts the immune system. Vitamin C also protects our nervous system which includes our eyes, our brain, and all the nerves in our body. So you can see that Vitamin C is absolutely essential to our well being.

Foliate is found in citrus which is very beneficial for pregnant women because it guards against birth defects. Fiber, niacin and thiamine are found in oranges. So when we use a citrus juicer we can ingest all these healthful benefits in a matter of moments, because Vitamin C has a half life of thirty minutes. That means its value as a vitamin disintegrates by one half every thirty minutes.

The human body does not manufacture vitamin C, we must get it from dietary sources and one of the best sources is fresh-squeezed orange juice. So one of the easiest things to do for our self and our family is the squeeze oranges every morning.

But who really cares about the health benefits? Let’s get real - the citrus juice from oranges just flat tastes better than anything out of a can or jar and the fragrance is out of this world.

Choosing a Citrus Juicer

Research and common sense will help you choose the citrus juicer that is perfect for you. One of the major considerations is whether you are getting one that will process the whole orange or one that will just extract the juice from the orange.

The pro of just getting the juice is, of course, they are cheaper. But perhaps more importantly they are usually easier to clean. You can also login to The con, depending on your esthetic preference, is that the juice has less extraneous fruit pulp in it.

There are more health benefits to a juicer which will process the entire fruit because there is high nutrient value in the pith or white parts. We suggest that this is a “con” to the simple juice only juicer. Preference to the esthetics in the end will usually determine the desire because if we don’t like the texture we probably won’t drink it regardless of how healthy it may be for us. Right?

Remember, although I talked about oranges here, there are a lot of other citrus fruits like lemons and grapefruits that have wonderfully tasting juice. So have fun shopping, choosing the perfect citrus juicer and enjoying a glass of nature at its best.

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About The Author, Gurpreet Singh
i am gurpreet singh