Health Drinks for Powerful Daily Detox

When you become aware of all the toxins in our food chain, it is refreshing to know that certain health drinks can help you eliminate some of those toxins. The secret of daily detox is to consume safe, gently cleansing health drinks consistently enough to gain the benefits.

Maybe you’ve tried one of the popular detox diets that lasts a few, painful days. Unfortunately, as soon as you’re done cleansing, the toxins start going right back in immediately. That seems like taking out the garbage once in a while, but watching it pile up again. Daily detox with gently cleansing health drinks makes more sense. It allows the body to stay clean and healthy on a consistent basis.

To understand more about toxins in our food chain read, “Lake Effect” by Nancy Nichols. Speaking about this topic on National Public Radio, September 30th, 2008, she described a personal quest for the cause of her sister’s death from ovarian cancer. While working on the book, Nichols received her own diagnosis of a rare form of cancer, which requires aggressive treatment. “My story was my sister’s once over,” she writes. It is this sort of life altering event that motivates people to seek out natural health drinks or other alternative resources for detoxifying the body.

Nichols documented evidence of the many different forms of pollution that may have contributed to the cancers. She came to the conclusion that it was the fish she ate which created the direct pathway delivering toxins from the polluted waters to her body. The fish she consumed came primarily from the Great Lakes region, specifically near where she grew up in Waukegen, Illinois, on the shores of Lake Michigan.

An abundance of evidence points to proof that there are high levels of mercury and other toxic chemicals in fish from all over the world. Swordfish and tuna have long been known to carry dangerous levels of mercury, and experts suggest you eat them sparingly. In addition to decreasing your consumption of these toxins, you may wish to protect yourself further with health drinks that provide a daily detox of the liver and tissues where these pollutants often settle in the human body.

When searching for specific health drinks for daily detox it is important to be sure that they are gentle and that they taste good. You have to be able to drink them regularly, instead of just plain water. You want something so gentle and effective that you can drink it on a daily basis without major lifestyle changes. Granted, you’ll probably urinate more often, but that means the health drinks are working. When your urine has a strong odor or a dark color then you probably have some toxins in your blood stream that need to be eliminated. When you see the color changing from bright yellow to clear then you know the health drinks are working to cleanse those toxins. One note- it is not unusual for most people to have more color in their urine first thing in the morning as they eliminate the toxins from the day before.

The health drinks I have found to be most effective for daily detox taste good and are made entirely from whole food, plant based ingredients. They work perfectly with the body’s natural processes of elimination and they boost your drinking water with powerful antioxidants for even more anti-aging benefits. I’ve never seen drinks that fit this description in any retail stores, just on the net. I suggest you search the Internet for all natural health drinks that allow for safe, gentle, daily detox.

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About The Author, Cliff Smith
Cliff Smith, as owner of an online health food store, is constantly researching the latest nutrition information. Cliff's personal success story is highlighted by his natural weight loss and athletic achievements through a combination of all natural foods and health drinks for daily detox.