Get Help For Halting Your Drinking Problem |
Alcohol abuse patterns vary. Some people get drunk every day; others drink large amounts of alcohol at specific times, such as on the weekend. It is common for someone with an alcohol or drug problem to call in sick for work on Monday or Friday. He or she may complain of having a virus or the flu. Others may be sober for long periods and then go on a drinking binge that lasts for weeks or months. Someone with alcohol dependence may suffer serious withdrawal symptoms, such as trembling, delusions, hallucinations, and sweating, if he or she stops drinking suddenly ("cold turkey"). Once alcohol dependence develops, it becomes very difficult to stop drinking without outside help. Medical detoxification may be needed. Is alcohol a problem for me? You have a "drinking problem" when drinking causes problems in your life or health. Drinking alcohol affects your judgment, energy level, work performance and health. Even small amounts of alcohol may be a problem if you: Have any short- or long-term health problems, Are taking medicines (even over-the-counter or herbal medicines), Have people in your family who have a problem with alcohol, Have had problems in your life or health because of alcohol, Feel down or depressed. Anecdotal evidence also suggests the first six weeks of the first semester are crucial to freshmen academic success, according to the NIAAA report. And because the early part of freshman year is when many students engage in heavy drinking, it may interfere with successful adaptation to campus life, the report read. About one-third of first-year students fail to enroll for their second year. People may have start drinking earlier and earlier in the day and they may also spend a lot of time drinking alone. The concerns of family members and friends go ignored and the preoccupation with drinking becomes more important than anything else. The person may be drinking and driving often. When a person drinks too often and too much the alcohol depresses the functioning of the brain. Some of the first things to become effected are emotions, judgment, and thought processes. When the drinking continues motor control takes a dive and the person experiences slurred speech, poor balance and slower reactions. The costs of alcohol abuse and addiction are high and many suffer. If you know someone who has a problem with alcohol abuse or addiction do everything you can to convince the person to get the assistance needed. Do not make excuses for the person or try to change the drinking problem. What can the alcoholic do? What can the enabler do? It would be stupid for me to sit here and tell you to quit drinking; easier said than done right? Yep, if you're an alcoholic, I know what you're going through. What I can do though, is tell you what I did. If what I did sounds acceptable to you than give it a try. First of all the enabler needs to get help by going to Alanon. Your getting help for your self will be helping the alcoholic in more ways than you'll ever know, believe me. In Alanon you will learn to not let the escapades of the alcoholic bother you. You will also learn to NOT rescue the alcoholic anymore! This aspect is so very important. Angie Lewis offers spiritual enlightenment tips for couples in marriage, and is the author of new release book JOURNEY ON THE ROADS LESS TRAVELED. This unique book is about love, life, marriage, addiction, temptation, and understanding the power of spiritual awareness for your marriage. The falling-down phase of being drunk. It is about the alcohol level of 0,15 g/100ml the cerebellum becomes affected and keeping your balance could become difficult. With a bit of luck, your friends would by this time have lain you on the ground somewhere safe. The down-and-out phase of being drunk. We hope you are lying down in a safe place, because at this stage the wave is crashing at 0,25 g/100ml over your diencephalon and the mesencephalon (midbrain). You become tired and very unsteady - you are now probably out for the count. You start shaking and you vomit. Maybe your reflexes will not be so badly suppressed that you cannot protect your airways, otherwise you could inhale your own vomit and die. Your consciousness is now suppressed, and you may be comatose. Consuming alcohol on a regular basis also becomes a habit after a while, just like driving down a familiar road. If there is a problem, or a social setting that calls for alcohol, you may be grabbing that bottle of beer or glass of wine without even thinking about it. Once you get in the habit of drinking alcohol on a more or less regular basis, your body gets used to the alcohol in the blood stream and reacts with withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking. These withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe.
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