Drinking And Drunkards

If you think that people who drink and people who are drunk are all the same, then you should start changing that thought.
The innocent- This is the type of person who looks like he or she could never harm a fly. Those who look like grade school students are included in this category. However, the truth is that this person is really one of the greatest drunkards there are in the face of the planet.
The hambug - This person often boasts of how much he or she can take in. They can come in different shapes and sizes but most of them look like rough and tough people. However, if you drink with this person, you would mostly find out that you drink even more than he can. And yes, he's also the one who barfs up during the sessions.
The in-between - This drinker is someone who is simply the kind of person between the innocent and the hambug.
The silencer - The drinker who is the silencer just remains silent when he is already drunk. Only you would notice that he just continues on drinking but would never make a sound. There are cases when the silent type drunkard is not just so silent when he is sober.
The noise barrage - If the silencer is the one who remains quiet when drunk, then the noise barrage is the one who would keep on talking and talking. Included in this category are also those people who continue on laughing out even when there is nothing worth laughing at. Also, you can include here those drunkards who have got their voices' volume levels up a notch. You can also include here those people who would dance around just because.
The one who feeds the ducks - In short, this one is the barfer.
The best friend - This person turns into your best friend when he is drunk. He or she would be talking to you as if he or she had known you forever. And as a fellow drunk, you feel like you have found your best friend in him or her. However, after the drinking session is over and the drunk feeling is gone, the best friend mode is also gone.
The cloud seeder - When this person is drunk, you would find him or her crying his or her eyes out because of some problem that only he or she knows. However, there are also times when the cloud seeder would share his/her problems and the reasons why he/she is crying. Most of the times though, you would only notice that he/she is crying and you would never find out why even after the session is over.
Venus/Adonis - Venus is the female version while Adonis is for the male. When drunk, this kind of person soon becomes a lover. If you love having some fun after drinking, then you sure would find the Venus/Adonis ready to go. Just keep the proper protection though for you would never know where he/she has already been. And yes, just keep in mind that come morning light, everything that happened would not be a big deal for him/her.
The memory gap - This one blacks out almost each time. You would see him/her looking just right but if you do ask him/her the following morning about what he did, this person would never recall some parts of the whole night. You can include here those people who would wake up in their houses and never remembering how they got there.
Drinking and drunkards.

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About The Author, Atomicgirl
Atomicgirl enjoys writing and finds blogging to be a good outlet for her ideas and emotions. You can visit her blog and learn more about her at her blog - Atomicgirl Writes About Life.