Dealing With Your Ukrainian Loves Eating & Drinking Culture |
If you are dating a Ukrainian lady, you are not just dealing with someone from the opposite sex, you are actually dealing with someone from another culture. And with that, you will have to deal not only with the differences between sexes, but also the language barrier, the differences between your cultures and your lack of knowledge on your love's views on life. But thankfully, you can always start from something a little more mundane - you can start with your ladylove's eating and drinking culture. Ukrainians are definitely a very hospitable group of people and they are very generous at feeding their guests. Also, in all likelihood your Ukrainian lady knows how to cook. So, the first dating tip we can share is that, when you are at her place having dinner with her family, condition yourself to eat much and do not refuse a second serving of anything that is served on the table. If you do, you might just offend her and her family (her mother especially). They might think you are rejecting their efforts and that you do not like their food. Ukrainian cuisine offers some very tasty food items alongside the exotic ones. The most traditional of Ukrainian dishes are Borshch or beet soup, Vareniki or Ukrainian Ravioli, Nalisniki or pancakes, Golubsti or cabbage rolls and Salo or pig's fat with garlic. Some of them you might like and some you might find positively revolting. So, come up with a very nice explanation on why you do not want to eat or even taste some of the food being offered to you. Your reason must be believable. In the United States and in most countries in Europe, pig's fat is not eaten at all. You might even be feeling sick just thinking about it. But of course, you do not tell it to her family. So think ahead of a very good reason why you are denying yourself that pig's fat. As to the Ukrainian drinking habits, you should know that many Ukrainian men do drink a lot. Most Ukrainian men prefer vodka or cognac. In fact, this is one of the reasons why many Ukrainian women wish to marry foreign men. Thus, if you want to be successful in your Ukrainian dating you should better follow the third one of the Ukraine dating tips: do not drink much and do not share much with your lady your "pub adventures". Of course, there are some Ukrainian ladies who drink a lot of alcohol. Most of them think it is okay to drink some wine or other liquor when you are having a date or when you are taking part in celebrations or holidays. Still, there are some ladies who are very specific about their men not drinking any alcohol at all. If you are visiting your ladylove's family or when you think you are ready for it, talk to your lady first about her views on drinking. If she is not against it, you may give a bottle of alcoholic drink to her father or to her entire family when you are visiting. Remember though not to drink too much even when the rest of her family is generously offering you to drink more. Keeping to these simple rules when dealing with Ukrainian cuisine and drinking habits will help you to positively impress your lady and to avoid unnecessary conflicts in your relationships.