Antioxidant Drinks - Safe and Tasty

Antioxidant Drinks - Safe and Tasty
When it comes to soft drinks, most of us don't read the label so we can see the health benefits that are found in the drink. We decide our drink based on the taste; we even get addicted to drinks that satisfy our palate. Some of the drinks can cause serious damage to our health and many of us do not pay attention to the risk factors involved. A number of companies try to balance both taste and health benefits in their formula. Some of them succeed in such an attempt and some do not. However, there is a growing awareness about the negative effects of drinks such as soda pop and energy drinks among the soft drink lovers. These drinks cause dehydration and sugar dependency besides other side effects such as weight gain. Health conscious consumers are turning away from these silent killers and turning towards healthier antioxidant drinks such as Purple.
Antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables. Tea is another rich source of antioxidants. Besides these, antioxidants are conveniently found in drinks such as Purple.
When oxidation in our body is not within the optimum levels, it can create a lot of health related problems. Free radicals that damage the cells are produced due to oxidation. Antioxidants reduce the oxidation level in the body by breaking the chain reaction of the free radicals. If we do not consume adequate amount of fruits and vegetables we will not have enough antioxidants in our body and this may result in serious complications pertaining to health. For instance, we need antioxidants to prevent cholesterol from getting oxidized. Once cholesterol oxidizes, it settles as a coating on the walls of the blood vessels creating serious heart related problems.
When you consume drinks that are rich in antioxidants you will not only quench your thirst, you will also do a great service to your body by providing it with the necessary supply of free radical fighting antioxidants. When you consume Purple antioxidant drink, you will lower health related risks created by oxidants including heart diseases and neurological illnesses. Many dietary supplements and nutraceutical supplements include antioxidants in their formula. So if you regularly consume antioxidant drinks you may not have to rely on these supplements.
Furthermore, you don’t have to go for expensive treatments for premature ageing if you take an antioxidant drink like Purple on a regular basis because these drinks will supply the body with the necessary antioxidants to fight premature ageing. Free radicals that are generated by the oxidation reactions within the body are nothing but unstable molecules that damage protein and DNA. Antioxidants neutralize these harmful free radicals by supplying them with an electron which stabilizes them.

An antioxidant drink like Purple contains extracts from antioxidant rich fruits such as the Acai berry, black currant, blueberry, black cherry, black currant, purple plum, pomegranate and cranberry. Purple has no added sugar. It can be a standalone drink or it can be taken in the form of cocktail. Purple tastes different and the tempting taste will make you ask for more.

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About The Author, Archie 143 Freeman143
Archie Freeman is author of this article onAntioxidant Drinks - The replacement for energy drinks.Find more information aboutAntioxidant Drinks - The replacement for energy drinks here.