Just How Good Is Blue Moon Beer?

Beer is drunk just about everywhere in the world while there are many different brands which taste fantastic you may have your own personal favorites. Of these many types and brands you may like the taste of the Blue Moon Beer. This particular beer is an example of a Belgian style white beer. In most instances you should be able to find this brand of beer at your local alcoholic beverages stores, bars, restaurants and sometimes in your local supermarkets.

The Blue Moon Beer is a variety of white beer which is made by Molson Coors Brewing Company. This beer was presented to the public during 1995. The creator of the Blue Moon Beer is an individual named Keith Villa. Originally Blue Moon Beer was called Bellyslide Belgian White. It was created at the Coors Field’s Sandlot Brewery.

This brewery is the Molson Coors onsite brewery. Even though the Blue Moon Beer is an example of Belgian Beers it is made in the US. This labeling of the beer as Belgian in origin has caused the company some problems with Belgium. As the Blue Moon Beer was also called Belgian White it was felt that consumers would think that the beer was produced in the US.

Even though the Molson Coors Company has had to amend the labeling of the name it has kept to the original advertising to get the public to buy the beer. The interesting thing about this Belgian styled beer is the various ingredients which are used to produce the beer. While most beers use ingredients like oats, hops, and malted barley the Blue Moon Beer is made slightly differently.

To make the Blue Moon Beer distinctive from that of other beers you will find that it contains malted oats, barley and white wheat. Additionally you will find that coriander and orange peels have been added to some hops. These final ingredients provide the beer with an interesting orange flavor.

You will find that most places serve this beer with orange slices to enhance the flavor of the beer. This is in contrast to the lemon slices which are served with other types of beer. For those of you who are interested in buying this beer you will find that it is sold in beer kegs and bottles. Another interesting fact about Blue Moon Beer is that it has variations which are known to be a winter and fall time beer.

To let you see just how good this beer is you will discover that various awards have been given to the beer. These medals which were given during the years of 1995 to 1997 all indicate to us that the Blue Moon Beer is an excellent beer to drink at any time of the year.

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About The Author, Muna Wa Wanjiru
Muna wa Wanjiru is a Web Administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on Beer for Years. For More Information on Blue Moon Beer , Visit His Site at Blue Moon Beer