German Beers Make An Impact Worldwide

When you think of Germany there are a number of things that come to mind, but one of the first things is German beer. Although many people presume that a majority of German beer is lager, there are a number of different styles, tastes and stories behind the various beer distributed across the world.

In order to produce the wide array of German beers, there are a number of people that work to create the unforgettable taste that you get from a smoked beer or warm-fermented ale. Germany has one of the world’s higher per-capita consumption rates of beer at around 120 liters. German breweries employ 65,000+ workers to help make and bottle the large amount of beer produced and delivered around the world.

There are several countries that distribute and export beer around the world, but Germany accounts for its fair share. Worldwide, German beer accounts for a little over 10% of the beer market. And with the success and history that has come from Germany, more styles and tastes are continuously being developed.

Some of the German beer styles that you will find include warm-fermented ales, wheat beers, smoked beers and the infamous lager. Each style presents its own character and is perfect for every occasion imaginable. Part of the joy of is trying out the different beers and experiencing a taste like no other beers around the world.

One of the most popular lagers of German Beer is Bock, which is a strong lager coming in at 6.4%. Bock has a medium to dark brown taste that is accompanied by a delicious balance of hops and malt. There are different malts used for the different Bocks offered, but many use wheat malt and barley malt. A few of the different Bocks available include Dopplebock, Eisbock and Weizenbocks.

There are several different styles of German wheat beers to choose from including Berliner Weisse, Kristallweizen and Hefeweizen. Hefeweizen is one of the most popular wheat beers that are distributed worldwide because of its sweet and fruity taste. It is a top fermented, unfiltered, bottle conditioned wheat beer that provides a noticeable yeast sediment and cloudy appearance.

The last style of German beer worth mentioning is the Rauchbier smoke beer. In order to create the taste you get from a smoke beer, the malt must be dried to stop the germination. With the available technology today, this can be done with enclosed heat sources that dry the malt.

With a wide array of styles and flavors, a plethora of breweries, and a total of 10% of the beer marketplace, there is no question that German beer has an impact on the beer industry. Whether it’s the infamous lager, a smoked beer or a flavorful wheat beer, you are guaranteed to be satisfied, holding a German beer in hand.

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About The Author, Evelyn Whitaker
Evelyn Whitaker writes articles for German Toasting Glasses which specializes in custom engraved wedding gifts from Germany.