They say that the further Guinness travels away from Dublin, the worse it tastes. Now whilst the more sceptical among us may put this down to overly-reminiscent Irish men and women who have simply been away from home too long, it’s probably wise not to dismiss this claim too soon; at least, not until a pint of the black stuff has been tried direct from the source.
Indeed, Ireland may be famous for lots of things, but ask anybody one thing they associate with the country and there’s a good chance they will say Guinness. And ever since Arthur Guinness signed his 9,000-year lease on the St. James’s Gate Brewery in Dublin in 1759, his stout has gone from strength to strength. Guinness is now brewed in over forty countries and sold in over 150.
But how could a simple family-run business become the iconic beverage that millions now enjoy throughout the world every day? Well, there are probably several reasons.
The Guinness advertising campaigns from the 1930s and 1940s played a huge part in establishing the drink as a worldwide brand. Amusing cartoons accompanied by catchy slogans and the unmistakable image of a black drink with white head became ingrained in many cultures throughout the world.
Moreover, the adverts could often be very bold in their claims. The famous ‘Guinness is Good for You’ slogan was immensely popular at the time, leading many people to consume it for its potential health benefits if nothing else. However, responsible drinking campaigns over the following decades meant that no medical claims could be made regarding any alcoholic drink.
In recent years, though, some researchers have claimed that Guinness can indeed be medically beneficial and they reported that certain antioxidants in the drink are similar to those found in fruit and vegetables and can help lower cholesterol levels – though it’s perhaps doubtful whether doctors will be prescribing the stout any time soon.
But no advertising campaign, however slick and persuasive it may be, can convince so many people around the globe to enjoy the taste. Sure, they can be encouraged to try it, but by the same token the same people can’t be encouraged to keep drinking it. So the main reason it is so popular, as simple as it sounds, is because people like it.
Whether Guinness tastes better in Dublin or not, may or may not be down to personal taste. But where better to decide this than at the Guinness Storehouse, which is located in the heart of the original - and still operational - Guinness brewery? A self-guided tour around the seven floors provides a fascinating insight into the history of the business and brewing processes and culminates in a complimentary pint of Guinness in the Gravity Bar on the top floor.
Of course, the six million people who visit each year will mean that hotels in Dublin are always in great demand. But whether sampling the Guinness is on their agenda or not, one thing will be for sure – they will have heard of it!