Beer Brewing - Tips And Hints

As technology has advanced so the techniques for beer brewing have become more refined over the centuries. There are several processes that need to be carried out some relatively simple to complete in order for someone to brew beer. The most important part of the whole brewing operation is the fermentation process.

As mentioned above one can give home beer brewing a try if you want. A quick look online and you will be amazed at the n number of places where you can purchase everything to get your own home beer brew kit from. Below we take a look at what the main pieces of equipment are required for you to produce your own beer at home if you want.

Item 1 - You need to get yourself a large pot made either from stainless steel or ceramic coated steel and that is large enough to hold over 3 gallons of liquid in it.

Item 2 - Next you need to get yourself a five gallon carboy (a large glass bottle) and will look similar to bottles in which large amounts of water are sold. However, you cannot use the plastic ones it must be made from glass as the hot liquid from the pot will be placed in it to allow the mixture to ferment.

Item 3 - A large funnel (plastic is preferable) and this is what you use to transfer the wort (brewing mixture) from the pot into the carboy. Also at the same time you need to get yourself some plastic tubing which can be used to transfer the beer from the carboy into the bucket mentioned below.

Item 4 - The bucket you need for putting your beer into should be able to hold at least 6 gallons of fluid and made from a food grade plastic only. This is where the beer is stored until it is time for you to bottle and the easiest way of transferring the beer from carboy to bucket and then to bottles is through the use of a siphon made from plastic tubing.

Other items that are essential to your home brewing kit are a raking cane which you connect to the tube before you begin to siphon the beer from one container to the next. Also you need a specialist valve the sits in the top of the carboy and will allow carbon dioxide to escape from the bottle but prevent contaminants from getting in during the fermentation process. You will often find that this piece of equipment is provided with the carboy.

The other items that are essential to any home beer brewing kit are a large wooden spoon, a thermometer that has temperature ranges of between 40 degrees and 150 degrees Fahrenheit on it. The types of thermometers used most often by home brewers are either the stainless steel dial ones or the floating dairy ones. One more final item you need is a good brewer's iodine solution which you will use to sterilize all the equipment before and after it has been used.

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About The Author, Patrick Anthony
Beer brewing can be a slow process especially if you are a novice! In the meantime you can buy beer from an online website such as BEERmerchants who specialise in a range of Belgian and World beers.